COSS-TT online meeting (1), June 2021

Welcome to the first Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) virtual meeting. We are pleased to take this opportunity to invite COSS-TT members and guests to discuss how the COSS-TT would contribute to the “United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development” and specifically the Task Team’s potential involvement in “CoastPredict” and “ForeSea” that have been submitted for consideration to be endorsed as official UN Decade programmes. In addition to programmes, the UN Ocean Decade will endorse “Communities of Practice”, where several programmes will contribute. The COSS-TT co-chairs have been actively involved in these activities (and also with the SynObs project that has been submitted from the OS-Eval TT) and are eager to share outcomes with all COSS-TT members and to determine actions going forward.
Agenda document (pdf)
Version 21 June 2021
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Provisional outline
- Presentations of the status of relevant UN Ocean Decade programmes (focus on CoastPredict and ForeSea, including SynObs). Q/A on programmes, including possible funding aspects.
- Presentations of specific science topics supporting COSS-TT/UN Decade engagement
- Round-table discussion where each member speaks in turn of their vision of the UN Ocean Decade, of the role of the TT, of any current or potential involvement, on any programmatic and funding opportunities. In particular, members should be prepared to inform the TT about any national or international actions already planned or ongoing within the Decade in their parts of the world (please be ready for that).
- Discussions on specific questions (see below).
- Summary/vision by the TT co-chairs, with general discussion
Preliminary list of questions for discussion:
- The COSS-TT is a natural steering and executive part of the ForeSea UN Ocean Decade programme, proposed by OceanPredict as a whole. On the other hand, the Task Team is well represented in the coordination (co-chair) and Steering Committee of the CoastPredict proposed programme. How can we (as an OceanPredict Task Team) seize this opportunity of playing a very active role at connecting the large-scale and coastal efforts over the next decade?
- Should we expand our Terms of Reference, for instance towards more societal aspects? (sustainable development, coastal resilience, coastal vulnerability, etc.)
- Should we expand our scientific objectives?
- How can we engage TT members and affiliates (including COSS community members) for developing international projects/activities during the Decade?
- What are the opportunities for funding? What will have the highest chance of getting funded?
- Could we come up with a short list of outstanding goals for the TT, and a very approximate calendar of what would be feasible?
COSS-TT meeting attendees
(all three meeting days combined)
First name | Surname | Affiliation | Country | |
1 | Yannis | Androulidakis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ University of the Aegean | Greece |
2 | Alexander | Barth | University of Liege | Belgium |
3 | Alan | Blumberg | Jupiter Intelligence | USA |
4 | Guillaume | Charria | Mercator Ocean international | France |
5 | Eric | Chassignet | COAPS/ FSU | USA |
6 | Byoung-Ju | Choi | Chonnam National University | South Korea |
7 | Mauro | Cirano | UFRI | Brazil |
8 | Fraser | Davidson | DFO | Canada |
9 | Pierre | De Mey-Frémaux | CNRS/LEGOS | France |
10 | Christopher | Edwards | UCSC | USA |
11 | Ivan | Federico | CMCC | Italy |
12 | Yosuke | Fujii | JMA-MRI | Japan |
13 | Jianping | Gan | Hong Kong University | China |
14 | Isabel | Garcia Hermosa | Mercator Ocean international | France |
15 | Marcos | García Sotillo | Puertos del Estado | Spain |
29 | Marilaure | Grégoire | University of Liege | Belgium |
16 | Fabrice | Hernandez | IRD/ Mercator Ocean international | France |
17 | Mike | Herzfeld | CSIRO | Australia |
18 | Naoki | Hirose | Kyushu University | Japan |
19 | Lars Robert | Hole | Met.No | Norway |
20 | Jason T. | Holt | NOC | UK |
21 | Joanne E. | Hopkins | NOC | UK |
22 | Rob | King | Met Office | UK |
23 | Villy | Kourafalou | University of Miami/RSMAS | USA |
24 | Alexander | Kourapov | NOAA | USA |
25 | Pierre-Yves | Le Traon | Mercator Ocean international | France |
26 | Fabien | Lefevre | CLS Group | France |
27 | Bruno | Levier | Mercator Ocean international | France |
28 | Youyu | Lu | DFO | Canada |
30 | Paolo | Oddo | CMRE | Italy |
31 | Enda | O’Dea | Met Office | UK |
32 | Shun | Oishi | Nagoya University | Japan |
33 | Nadia | Pinardi | University of Bologna | Italy |
34 | Jeffrey | Polton | NOC | UK |
35 | Rafael | Schiller | Fugro | USA |
36 | Gregory | Smith | ECCC | Canada |
37 | Emil | Stanev | HZG | Germany |
38 | Joanna | Staneva | HZG | Germany |
39 | Jennifer | Veitch | SAEON | South Africa |
40 | PN | Vinayachandran | Indian Institute of Science | India |
41 | Peter | Zavialov | P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS | Russia |
1st COSS-TT online meeting presentations
Day 1 – 9 June 2021
Meeting introduction, UN Decade programmes and project overview (CoastPredict, ForeSea, and SynObs), Topic 1 presentations on Observing infrastructure in the coastal seas, integration with models and with forecasting.
Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Role |
1st COSS-TT online meeting – introduction – slides 1-8 | Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, Villy Kourafalou | CNRS/LEGOS, University of Miami/RSMAS | COSS-TT co-chairs |
CoastPredict – Observing and Predicting the Global Coastal Ocean | Villy Kourafalou | University of Miami/ RSMAS | COSS-TT co-chair |
ForeSea – UN Decade programme | Eric Chassignet | Florida State University/ COAPS | OPST co-chair |
INTRO – Topic : Observing infrastructure in the coastal seas, integration with models and with forecasting) – slide 42-46 | Pierre De Mey-Frémaux | CNRS/LEGOS | COSS-TT co-chair |
Topic 1 project presentations: Observing infrastructure in the coastal seas, integration with models and with forecasting | |||
Yosuke Fujii | MRI-JMA | OS-Eval TT co-chair | |
Mauro Cirano | UFRJ, Brazil | COSS-TT member |
Guillaume Charria | Mercator Ocean international, France | COSS-TT member | |
Rafael Schiller | Fugro, USA | Invited speaker | |
Fabien Lefevre | CLS Group, France | Invited speaker |
Day 2 – 10 June 2021
Topic 2, 3 and 4 presentations covering
- T2: Integration of coastal ocean and estuaries/inland waters/coastal cities
- T3: Seamless integration with larger-scale estimates within OceanPredict
- T4: Climate projections, coastal vulnerability and resilience
Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Role |
INTRO – Topic 2 : Integration of coastal ocean and estuaries/inland waters/coastal cities – slide 68-76 | Villy Kourafalou | University of Miami/ RSMAS | COSS-TT chair |
Topic 2 presentations: Integration of coastal ocean and estuaries/inland waters/coastal cities | |||
Guillaume Charria | Mercator Ocean international | COSS-TT member | |
Marilaure Grégoire | Univeristy of Liege, Belgium | Invited speaker | |
INTRO – Topic 3 : Seamless integration with larger-scale estimates within OceanPredict – slide 78-86 | Pierre De Mey-Frémaux | CNRS/LEGOS | COSS-TT co-chair |
Topic 3 presentations: Seamless integration with larger-scale estimates within OceanPredict | |||
Ivan Federico | CMCC, Itly | COSS-TT member | |
Gregory Smith | ECCC, Canada | IV-TT co-chair | |
Topic 4 (Climate projections, coastal vulnerability and resilience) introduction – slide 88-96 | Villy Kourafalou | University of Miami/ RSMAS | COSS-TT chair |
Topic 4 presentations: Climate projections, coastal vulnerability and resilience | |||
Jason Holt | NOC, UK | Invited speaker | |
Yannis Androulidakis | University of Thessaloniki, Greece | Invited speaker |
Day 3 – 11 June 2021
Topic 4 presentations continued (Climate projections, coastal vulnerability and resilience) and strategic goals and TT role discussion
Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Role |
Alan Blumberg | Jupiter Inc, USA | Invited speaker | |
Joanna Hopkins | NOC, UK | Invited speaker |
COSS-TT online meeting (1) – Chat records
Chat details are provided below:
Day | Topics | Chat record |
Day 1, 9 June 2021 | Meeting introduction, UN Decade programmes and project overview (CoastPredict, ForeSea, and SynObs), Topic 1 presentations on Observing infrastructure in the coastal seas, integration with models and with forecasting. | COSS-TT Day 1 Chat record |
Day 2, 10 June 2021 | Topic 2, 3 and 4 presentations covering
COSS-TT Day 2 Chat record |
Day 3, 11 June 2021 | Topic 4 presentations continued (Climate projections, coastal vulnerability and resilience) and strategic goals and TT role discussion. | COSS-TT Day 3 Chat record |
The COSS-TT 2022, June meeting report can now be viewed on this website.
COSS-TT meeting recordings are only open to attendees of the COSS-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password.