Data Assimilation (DA-TT)

The DA-TT brings together experts in the field from leading operational centres, research institutions, and groups from academia in a shared dialog about the current state-of-the-art, and common challenges faced by the ocean Data Assimilation (DA) community. The primary vehicles are regular workshops and collaborative activities. Since DA is an essential and common thread to many of the OceanPredict goals, an additional role of DA-TT is to catalyse interactions with other TTs.
The DA-TT promotes capacity building in several areas, including: the development of modelling, assimilation, and forecasting approaches and components; demonstrations of accuracy and utility; research value; and intellectual capacity building. The DA-TT also provides a conduit to the broader WMO data assimilation and prediction community. The ocean DA community is small compared to its atmospheric counterpart, and as such, capacity building to meet the current and future demands of the field is an important TT goal. Future DA-TT activities will therefore continue to expand capacity building activities, particularly in relation to intellectual capital, with a view to sustaining an active and vibrant ocean DA community.
The DA-TT is led by the co-chairs:
- Ann Kristin Sperrevik,, Norway
- Sergey Frolov, NOAA/PSL, USA
The DA-TT will foster coordination and monitor progress in activities related to:
- Development of data assimilation algorithms.
- Development of coupled data assimilation methods in collaboration with the CP-TT.
- Assimilation of novel observations (under-utilised existing networks and upcoming missions) in collaboration with the OSEVal-TT and with the MEAP-TT.
- Assimilation software infrastructure developments and application to new HPC architectures, as related to the adoption of tools developed in the wider data assimilation community which allow enhanced collaborations among operational agencies, research institutes and universities.
- Performance assessment of data assimilation applications in the operational community, in collaboration with the IV-TT.
- Application of data-driven algorithms (machine learning and deep learning) for improved pre-processing and exploitation of consolidated and new observing networks.
A major activity of the DA-TT is to organise regular meetings and workshops. In order to increase collaboration, these workshops are often held jointly with other TTs or groups.
The DA-TT coordinates inter-comparison activities aimed at improving our understanding of the operational data assimilation systems used by OceanPredict groups. These have previously included comparison of average increments to understand biases in the ocean models and forcing, and comparison of the impact of observations using idealised, widely spaced observations.
The DA-TT also coordinates contributions to other international activities. We have previously contributed to international conferences such as OceanObs’19 (Moore et al., 2019) and to the 2016 international workshop on coupled data assimilation (Penny et al., 2017).
Moore AM, Martin MJ, Akella S, Arango HG, Balmaseda M, Bertino L, Ciavatta S, Cornuelle B, Cummings J, Frolov S, Lermusiaux P, Oddo P, Oke PR, Storto A, Teruzzi A, Vidard A and Weaver AT (2019). Synthesis of Ocean Observations Using Data Assimilation for Operational, Real-Time and Reanalysis Systems: A More Complete Picture of the State of the Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:90. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00090.
Penny, S.G., S. Akella, O. Alves, C. Bishop, M. Buehner, M. Chevallier, F. Counillon, C. Draper, S. Frolov, Y. Fujii, A. Karspeck, A. Kumar, P. Laloyaux, J.-F. Mahfouf, M. Martin, M. Peña, P. de Rosnay, A. Subramanian, R. Tardif, Y. Wang, X. Wu. 2017. Coupled Data Assimilation for Integrated Earth System Analysis and Prediction: Goals, Challenges and Recommendations. WWRP 2017-3
Members of the DA-TT
No | First name | Last name | Institutions/projects | Country | Status |
1 | Mario | Adani | CMCC | Italy | New member (June 2024) |
2 | Santha | Akella | NOAA/EMC | USA | Member |
3 | Hernan | Arango | Rutgers University | USA | Member |
4 | Ali | Aydogdu | CMCC | Italy | Member |
5 | Laurent | Bertino | NERSC | Norway | Member |
6 | Gary | Brassington | BoM | Australia | Member |
7 | Stefano | Ciavatta | MOi | France | Member |
8 | Marcin | Chrust | ECMWF | UK | Member |
9 | Bruce | Cornuelle | Scripps | USA | Member |
10 | Francois | Counillon | NERSC | Norway | Member |
11 | James | Cummings | NRL/NOAA | USA | Passive Member |
12 | Pierre | De Mey-Frémaux | LEGOS | France | Member and co-chair of the COSS-TT |
13 | Sergey | Frolov | PSL/OAR/NOAA | USA | Co-chair |
14 | Patrick | Heimbach | University of Texas at Austin | USA | Member |
15 | Collette | Kerry | UNSW Sydney | Australia | New member |
16 | Young Ho | Kim | KIOST | South Korea | Member |
17 | Alexander | Kurapov | Oregon State University / NOAA | USA | Member |
18 | Daniel | Lea | Met Office | UK | Member |
19 | Pierre | Lermusiaux | MIT | USA | Member |
20 | Matt | Martin | Met Office | UK | Member |
21 | Andrew M | Moore | UCSC | USA | Member |
22 | Lars | Nerger | AWI | Germany | New member (15 June 23) |
23 | Hans N | Ngodock | NRL | USA | Member |
24 | Paolo | Oddo | University of Bologna | Italy | Member |
25 | Peter | OKE (TBC) | CSIRO | Australia | Member ? |
26 | Arya | Paul | INCOIS | India | Member |
27 | Pavel | Sakov | BoM | Australia | Member |
28 | Jozef | Skakala | PML | UK | Member |
29 | Travis | Sluka | JCSDA/UCAR | USA | New member (15 June 23) |
30 | Gregory | Smith | Environment Canada | Canada | Member and co-chair of the IV-TT |
31 | Ann Kristin | Sperrevick | | Norway | Co-chair |
32 | Andrea | Storto | CMRE/NATO | Italy | Member |
33 | Clemente | Tanajura | UFBA / REMO | Brazil | Member |
34 | Anna | Teruzzi | OGS | Italy | Member |
35 | Charles-Emmanuel | Testut | Mercator Ocean | France | Member |
36 | Norihisa | Usui | JMA/MRI | Japan | Member |
37 | Arthur | Vidard | Inria | France | Member |
38 | Zhaoyi | Wang | NMEFC | China | New member |
39 | Anthony | Weaver | CERFACS | France | Member |
Patron champion:
Johnny Johannessen, NERSC
Status: July 2024
Meetings and workshops
A major activity of the DA-TT is to organise regular workshops. In order to increase collaboration, these workshops are often held jointly with other TTs or groups. Planned and previous workshops include:
Title | Date | Location | Report |
DA-TT meeting | 9-11 May 2023 | Rome, Italy | Report |
DA-TT/ECMWF workshop | 17-20 May 2021 | Reading, UK | Report |
DA-TT workshop | 20-22 Jan 2020 | Toulouse, France | Report |
Joint DA-TT & OS-Eval TT workshop | 11-13 Oct 2017 | La Spezia, Italy | Report |
Joint DA-TT & MEAP-TT workshop | 11-13 July 2016 | Santa Cruz, USA | Report |
DA-TT workshop | 20-22 May 2015 | Met Office, UK | Report |
Links below may only be available using a password (please contact the OP programme office for information)
The DA-TT is involved in the ESA A-TSCV project, to work of the assimilation of Total Surface Current Velocity Measurements.
Find out more from the A-TSCV project page.
Meeting reports:
- Report from the 4th DA-TT meeting, Toulouse, France, Jan 2020
- Report from the Joint DA-TT / OS-Eval TT meeting, CMRE, La Spezia, Italy, Oct 2017
- Report from the Joint DA-TT/MEAP-TT meeting, Santa Cruz, California, USA, July 2016
- Report from the 1st DA-TT meeting, Met Office, Exeter, UK, May 2015
TT Quad-chart
The task team quad-chart provides a quick glance at the TT’s activities, achievements and future plans.
Data Assimilation Task Team (DA-TT) – May 2021
Short description and objectives of the activities started or planned for this year: |
Accomplishments of the TT this year: |
Main activities:
Main achievements:
A 4-day virtual workshop was held jointly with ECMWF on “Advances in Ocean Data Assimilation” from 17-20th May 2021:
Future plans to continue/ improve current activities: |
Issues/ problems: |
Main future plans:
Main issues:
Resources needed to better support the TT effort:
DA-TT online technical seminar series
The aim of these online seminars is to have an informal, in-depth discussion about topics related to the activities of the DA-TT and its members.
They can be used to share preliminary results from ongoing projects and solicit feedback from the group, to discuss a specific technical or scientific challenge, to propose collaborative work for the DA-TT, or other technical/scientific topics.
The seminars are planned for one hour with a presentation followed by questions and discussion.
They will take place on the last Monday of every other month, time tbc.
Date | Seminar | Presenter | Topic |
1 Dec 2022 | Technical seminar (6) | Marcin Chrust (ECMWF) | Overview of Ocean DA developments at ECMWF |
5 Sep 2022 | Technical seminar (5) | Andrea Storto (CNR) | The use of neural networks for coupled ocean-acoustic DA |
13 June 2022 | Technical seminar (4) | Jean-Michel Lellouche (Mercator Ocean international) | Evolution of the Mercator global system at 1/12° with a focus on data assimilation updates |
14 Mar 2022 | Technical seminar (3) | Anthony Weaver (CERFACS) | A scale-dependent hybrid background error covariance model for ocean DA |
29 Nov 2021 | Technical seminar (2) | Matt Martin (Met Office) | Developing the assimilation of satellite total surface current velocities |
27 Sep 2021 | Technical seminar (1) | Andy Moore (UCSC) | Properties of analysis and forecast errors derived from the adjoint of a 4D-Var system |