
This is a collection of publications from the OceanPredict community. It is updated regularly (every 4-6 months). The publications cover new research and science activities in ocean predictions, ocean observations, areas covered by the OP task teams, and other efforts further afield. This collection will grow over time and will provide a resources and benefit for everyone in the ocean science community.
The table below shows all publications provided from 2018 to the present.
To find the publication you are interested in, please use the Filter option (at top of table) to search for any word, name or number you want to find. Entering several words narrows the search.
Please note that the filter will search for all of the added words, regardless of their order. Publications are organised by year and author (alphabetically).
Latest update: 06 February 2024
[Accepted] [2018][2019] [2020] [2021] [2022] [2023] [2024]
Reference Group | Publication (all published) Accepted papers are marked (A) |
2024 Top | |
COSS-TT, CP-TT | Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024: Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part II: Applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 656-672. |
COSS-TT, CP-TT | Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024: Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part I: Theory and Schemes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 640-655. |
SynObs | Balmaseda, M. A., R. McAdam, S. Masina, M. Mayer, R. Senan, E. De Boisseson, and S. Gualdi, 2024: Skill Assessment of Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Variables. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. |
IV-TT, OPOS-WG | Bonino, Giulia, Giuliano Galimberti, Simona Masina, Ronan McAdam, and Emanuela Clementi, 2024: Machine learning methods to predict Sea Surface Temperature and Marine Heatwave occurrence: a case study of the Mediterranean Sea Ocean Science |
MEAP-TT | Ghosh, J., Chakraborty, K., Valsala, V., Bhattacharya, T., & Ghoshal, P. K., 2024: A Review of the Indian Ocean Carbon Dynamics, Acidity, and Productivity in a Changing Environment Progress in Oceanography |
Kawakami, Y., H. Nakano, L. S. Urakawa, T. Toyoda, K. Sakamoto, S. Nishikawa, T. Sugiyama, M. Kurogi, Y. Ishikawa, K. Sato, and G. Yamanaka, 2024: Future changes in marine heatwaves based on high-resolution ensemble projections for the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography Journal of Oceanography |
SynObs | Kerry, C., M. Roughan, and J. M. A. C. de Souza, 2024: Assessing the impact of subsurface temperature observations from fishing vessels on temperature and heat content estimates in shelf seas: a New Zealand case study using Observing System Simulation Experiments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. |
COSS-TT | Ølberg, Judith Thu, Patrik Bohlinger, Øyvind Breivik, Kai H Christensen, Birgitte R Furevik, Lars R Hole, Gaute Hope, Atle Jensen, Fabian Knoblauch, Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen, Jean Rabault,2024: Wave measurements using open source ship mounted ultrasonic altimeter and motion correction system during the one ocean circumnavigation Ocean engineering |
SynObs | Paul, B., B. Baduru, and A. Paul, 2024: A study of forecast sensitivity to observations in the Bay of Bengal using LETKF. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. |
SynObs | Rahman, R and Rahaman, H., 2024: Impact of bathymetry on Indian Ocean circulation in a nested regional ocean model. Sci Rep 14, 8008. |
SynObs | Samir Pokhrel, Hasibur Rahaman, Subodh Kumar Saha, Hemantkumar Chaudhari, Anupam Hazra, M. Ravichandran, 2024: Role of Improved Ocean Initial State in the Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon: A Case Study. Ocean-Land-Atmos Res. 2024;3:0034. |
SynObs | Smith, G. C., C. Hébert-Pinard, A.-A. Gauthier, F. Roy, K. A. Peterson, P. Veillard, Y. Faugère, S. Mulet, and M. M. Maqueda, 2024: Impact of Assimilation of Absolute Dynamic Topography on Arctic Ocean Circulation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. |
OPOS-WG | Toyoda, T., K. Sakamoto, T. Toyota, H. Tsujino, L. S. Urakawa, Y. Kawakami, A. Yamagami, K. K. Komatsu, G. Yamanaka, T. Tanikawa, R. Shimada, and H. Nakano, 2024: Improvement of sea ice thermodynamics with variable sea ice salinity and melt pond parameterizations in an OGCM Ocean Modelling |
COSS-TT | Vassilios D. Vervatis, Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, John Karagiorgos, Bénédicte Lemieux-Dudon, Nadia Ayoub, Sarantis Sofianos, 2024: Regional ocean model uncertainties using stochastic parameterizations and a global atmospheric ensemble Ocean Modelling |
Reference Group | Publication (all published) Accepted papers are marked (A) |
2023 Top | |
IV-TT | Aijaz, S, Brassington, G. B., Divakaran, P., Régnier, C., Drévillon, M., Maksymczuk, J. , and Peterson, K. A., 2023: Verification and intercomparison of global ocean Eulerian near-surface currents Ocean modelling |
COSS-TT, CP-TT | Ali, W.H., A. Charous, C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, Jr., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: MSEAS-ParEq for Ocean-Acoustic Modeling around the Globe. In: OCEANS ’23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. |
MEAP-TT | Álvarez, E., Cossarini, G., Teruzzi, A., Bruggeman, J., Bolding, K., Ciavatta, S., Vellucci, V., D’Ortenzio, F., Antoine, D., and Lazzari, P., 2023: Chromophoric dissolved organic matter dynamics revealed through the optimization of an optical–biogeochemical model in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea Biogeosciences, 20 4591-4624 |
DA-TT | Aravind, H.M., V. Verma, S. Sarkar, M.A. Freilich, A. Mahadevan, P.J. Haley Jr., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, and M.R. Allshouse, 2023: Lagrangian Surface Signatures Reveal Upper-Ocean Vertical Displacement Conduits Near Oceanic Density Fronts Ocean Modelling,181, 102136 https://doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102136 |
IV-TT, OPOS-WG, DA-TT | Aydogdu A., Miraglio P., Escudier R., Clementi E., Masina S., 2023: The dynamical role of upper layer salinity in the Mediterranean Sea State of the Planet,SP, 1-osr7, 6 |
MEAP-TT | Bhattacharya, T., Chakraborty, K., Anthoor, S., & Ghoshal, P. K., 2023: An assessment of air-sea CO2 flux parameterizations during tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans |
MEAP-TT | Bhattacharya, T., Chakraborty, K., Ghoshal, P. K., Ghosh, J., & Baduru, B., 2023: Response of surface ocean pCO2 to Tropical Cyclones in two contrasting basins of the northern Indian Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans |
OSF Programme | Bin Xiao, Fangli Qiao, Qi Shu, Xunqiang Yin, Guansuo Wang, and Shihong Wang,2023: Development and validation of a global 1/32◦ surface-wave–tide–circulation coupled ocean model: FIO-COM32 Geoscientific Model Development,16, 1755-1777 |
CP-TT, IV-TT | Casati, B., Robinson, T., Lemay, F., Køltzow, M., Haiden, T., Mekis, E., Lespinas, F., Fortin, V., Gascon, G., Milbrandt, J. and Smith, G., 2023: Performance of the Canadian Arctic Prediction System during the YOPP Special Observing Periods Atmosphere-Ocean,pp.1-27 |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Joshi, A. P., Ghoshal, P. K., Ghosh, J., Akhand, A., Bhattacharya, T., … & Valsala, V., 2023: Mechanisms and drivers controlling spatio-temporal evolution of pCO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes in the southern Java coastal upwelling system Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science |
SynObs | Chang I, Kim YH, Jin H, Park Y-G, Pak G and Chang Y-S, 2023: Impact of satellite and regional in-situ profile data assimilation on a high-resolution ocean prediction system in the Northwest Pacific. Mar. Sci. 10:1085542. http://doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1085542 |
COSS-TT, CP-TT | Charous, A., W.H. Ali, P. Ryu, D. Brown, K. Arsenault, B. Cho, K. Rimpau, A. March, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Gaussian Beam Migration for Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping. In: OCEANS ’23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. |
DA-TT | Cheng, S., Chen, Y., Aydoğdu, A., Bertino, L., Carrassi, A., Rampal, P., and Jones, C. K. R. T., 2023: Arctic sea ice data assimilation combining an ensemble Kalman filter with a novel Lagrangian sea ice model for the winter 2019–2020 The Cryosphere,17, 1735–1754 |
OP-DCC | Ciliberti, S. A., Alvarez Fanjul, E., Pearlman, J., Wilmer-Becker, K., Bahurel, P., Ardhuin, F., Arnaud, A., Bell, M., Berthou, S., Bertino, L., Capet, A., Chassignet, E., Ciavatta, S., Cirano, M., Clementi, E., Cossarini, G., Coro, G., Corney, S., Davidson, F., Drevillon, M., Drillet, Y., Dussurget, R., El Serafy, G., Fennel, K., Garcia Sotillo, M., Heimbach, P., Hernandez, F., Hogan, P., Hoteit, I., Joseph, S., Josey, S., Le Traon, P.-Y., Libralato, S., Mancini, M., Matte, P., Melet, A., Miyazawa, Y., Moore, A. M., Novellino, A., Porter, A., Regan, H., Romero, L., Schiller, A., Siddorn, J., Staneva, J., Thomas-Courcoux, C., Tonani, M., Garcia-Valdecasas, J. M., Veitch, J., von Schuckmann, K., Wan, L., Wilkin, J., and Zufic, R., 2023: Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts 7th edition of the Copernicus Ocean State Report (OSR7), edited by: von Schuckmann, K., Moreira, L., Le Traon, P.-Y., Grégoire, M., Marcos, M., Staneva, J., Brasseur, P., Garric, G., Lionello, P., Karstensen, J., and Neukermans, G. Copernicus Publications, State of the Planet,1-osr7, 2 |
DA-TT | Cipollone, A., Banerjee, D. S., Iovino, D., Aydogdu, A., and Masina, S., 2023: Bivariate sea-ice assimilation for global-ocean analysis–reanalysis Ocean Sci.,19, 1375–1392 |
IV-TT, OPOS-WG | Coppini, G., Clementi, E., Cossarini, G., Salon, S., Korres, G., Ravdas, M., Lecci, R., Pistoia, J., Goglio, A. C., Drudi, M., Grandi, A., Aydogdu, A., Escudier, R., Cipollone, A., Lyubartsev, V., Mariani, A., Cretì, S., Palermo, F., Scuro, M., Masina, S., Pinardi, N., Navarra, A., Delrosso, D., Teruzzi, A., Di Biagio, V., Bolzon, G., Feudale, L., Coidessa, G., Amadio, C., Brosich, A., Miró, A., Alvarez, E., Lazzari, P., Solidoro, C., Oikonomou, C., and Zacharioudaki, A, 2023: The Mediterranean forecasting system. Part I: evolution and performance Ocean Science,19, 1483–1516 |
MEAP-TT | Di Biagio, V., Martellucci, R., Menna, M., Teruzzi, A., Amadio, C., Mauri, E., and Cossarini, G., 2023: Dissolved oxygen as an indicator of multiple drivers of the marine ecosystem: the southern Adriatic Sea case study State of the Planet, 1-osr7, 10 |
COSS-TT | Doering, A., M. Wiggert, H. Krasowski, M. Doshi, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, and C.J. Tomlin, 2023: Stranding Risk for Underactuated Vessels in Complex Ocean Currents: Analysis and Controllers. In: 2023 IEEE 62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Singapore. |
COSS-TT | Doshi, M.M., M.S. Bhabra, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Energy-Time Optimal Path Planning in Dynamic Flows: Theory and Schemes Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,405, 115865 https://doi:10.1016/j.cma.2022.115865 |
SynObs | Du, D., Subramanian, A.C., Han, W., Wei, H.H., Sarojini, B.B., Balmaseda, M. and Vitart, F., 2023: Assessing the Impact of Ocean In Situ Observations on MJO Propagation Across the Maritime Continent in ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(2), p.e2022MS003044. |
MEAP-TT | Fennel, K., Long, M. C., Algar, C., Carter, B., Keller, D., Laurent, A., Mattern, J. P., Musgrave, R., Oschlies, A., Ostiguy, J., Palter, J. B., and Whitt, D. B., 2023: Modelling considerations for research on ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE), in: Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research, edited by: Oschlies, A., Stevenson, A., Bach, L. T., Fennel, K., Rickaby, R. E. M., Satterfield, T., Webb, R., and Gattuso, J.-P. Copernicus Publications, State of the Planet,2-oae2023, 9 |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT, OPOS-WG | Fowler, A. M., Skákala, J., Ford, D., 2023: Validating and improving the uncertainty assumptions for the assimilation of ocean-colour-derived chlorophyll a into a marine biogeochemistry model of the Northwest European Shelf Seas Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149(750), 300–324 |
OPOS-WG, DA-TT | Fujii, Y. T. Yoshida, H. Sugimoto, I. Ishikawa, and S. Urakawa, 2023: Evaluation of a global ocean reanalysis generated by a global ocean data assimilation system based on a four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) method Frontiers in Climate, 4 |
SynObs | Fujii, Y., 2023: Introduction of Synergistic Observing Network for Ocean Predictions (SynObs) (in Japanese with English abstract) Ocean Newsletter, Ocean Policy Research Institute, Sasagawa Peach Foundation (ISSN 2187-8862),547 |
SynObs | Fujii, Y., M. Balmaseda, and Remy, E. , 2023: SynObs Flagship OSEs Guideline Version 1 OceanPredict |
SynObs | Gasparin, F., Lellouche, J. M., Cravatte, S. E., Ruggiero, G., Rohith, B., Le Traon, P. Y., & Remy, E., 2023: On the control of spatial and temporal oceanic scales by existing and future observing systems: An observing system simulation experiment approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1021650. |
OPOS-WG | Good, S., Mills, B., Boyer, T., Bringas, F., Castelão, G., Cowley, R., Goni, G., Gouretski, V. and Domingues, C.M., 2023: Benchmarking of automatic quality control checks for ocean temperature profiles and recommendations for optimal sets Frontiers in Marine Science,9 |
DA-TT | Gupta, A., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Generalized Neural Closure Models with Interpretability. Scientific Reports 13, 10364. |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT, COSS-TT | Gupta, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Bayesian Learning of Coupled Biogeochemical-Physical Models Progress in Oceanography,216, 103050 https://doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103050 |
SynObs | Hackert, Eric, S. Akella, L. Ren, K. Nakada, J.A. Carton, A. Molod, 2023: Impact of the TAO/TRITON Array on Reanalyses and Predictions of the 2015 El Niño JGR Oceans, Vol 128, issue 11 |
COSS-TT, DA-TT, OS Eval-TT | Haley, Jr., P.J., C. Mirabito, M. Doshi, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Ensemble Forecasting for the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Region. In: OCEANS ’23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. |
MEAP-TT | Higgs, I., Skákala, J., Bannister, R., Carrassi, A., and Ciavatta, S., 2023: Ecosystem connections in the shelf sea environment using complex networks EGUsphere |
COSS-TT | Izhitskaya, E.S.; Egorov, A.V.; Zavialov, P.O., 2023: Seasonal variability of dissolved methane in the shallow coastal zone: The case study of the Golubaya Bay, northeastern part of the Black Sea Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,140560 |
OPOS-WG | Karaki, T., K. Sakamoto, G. Yamanaka, S. Kimura, and A. Kasai, 2023: Inshore migration of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica encouraged by active horizontal swimming during the glass eel stage Fisheries Oceanography |
DA-TT | Kerry, Colette, Moninya Roughan, Shane Keating, David Gwyther, Gary Brassington, Adil Siripatana, and Joao Marcos A. C. Souza, 2023: Comparison of 4-Dimensional Variational and Ensemble Optimal Interpolation data assimilation systems using a Regional Ocean Modelling System (v3.4) configuration of the eddy-dominated East Australian Current System Geoscientific Model Development,14611 |
COSS-TT | Kurapov, A. L., 2023: El Niño-related stratification anomalies over the continental slope off Oregon in summer 2014 and 2015: The potential vorticity advection mechanism Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,128, e2022JC019588 |
OSEval-TT | Le Hénaff, M., V. Kourafalou, Y. Androulidakis, N. Ntaganou, and H. Kang, 2023: Influence of the Caribbean Sea eddy field on Loop Current predictions Frontiers in Marine Science |
COSS-TT | Nguyen, Dung M; Hole, Lars R; Breivik, Øyvind; Nguyen, Thuy B; Pham, Ngoc Kh, 2023: Marine Plastic Drift from the Mekong River to Southeast Asia Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
COSS-TT | Nguyen-Duy Tung, N.K. Ayoub, P. De-Mey-Frémaux, Thanh Ngo-Duc,2023: How sensitive is a simulated river plume to uncertainties in wind forcing? A case study for the Red River plume (Vietnam) Ocean Modelling,186, 102256 |
MEAP-TT | Madkaiker, K., Valsala, V., Sreeush, M. G., Mallissery, A., Chakraborty, K., & Deshpande, A., 2023: Understanding the Seasonality, Trends, and Controlling Factors of Indian Ocean Acidification Over Distinctive Bio‐Provinces Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences |
COSS-TT, DA-TT | Patrikalakis, N.M., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, C. Evangelinos, J.J. McCarthy, A.R. Robinson, H. Schmidt, P.J. Haley, S. Lalis, R. Tian, W.G. Leslie, and W. Cho, 2023: Toward Dynamic Data-Driven Systems for Rapid Adaptive Interdisciplinary Ocean Forecasting. Chapter 14, Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems, F. Darema, E.P. Blasch, S. Ravela, and A.J. Aved (Eds.), pp. 377-395. |
COSS-TT | Pavlov, Victor; James, Neil A; Masden, Elizabeth A; de Aguiar, Victor Cesar Martins; Hole, Lars Robert; Liimatainen, Henrikki; Pongrácz, Eva, 2023: Impacts of offshore oil spill accidents on island bird communities: A test run study around Orkney and Svalbard archipelagos Environmental Pollution |
COSS-TT | Rabault, Jean; Müller, Malte; Voermans, Joey; Brazhnikov, Dmitry; Turnbull, Ian; Marchenko, Aleksey; Biuw, Martin; Nose, Takehiko; Waseda, Takuji; Johansson, Malin, 2023: A dataset of direct observations of sea ice drift and waves in ice Scientific Data |
COSS-TT | Rajagopal, E., A.N.S. Babu, T. Ryu, P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023: Evaluation of Deep Neural Operator Models toward Ocean Forecasting. In: OCEANS ’23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. |
MEAP-TT | Richaud, B., Fennel, K., Oliver, E. C. J., DeGrandpre, M. D., Bourgeois, T., Hu, X., and Lu, Y., 2023: Underestimation of oceanic carbon uptake in the Arctic Ocean: ice melt as predictor of the sea ice carbon pump The Cryosphere,17, 2665–2680 |
COSS-TT | Röhrs, Johannes; Halsne, Trygve; Sutherland, Graig; Dagestad, Knut-Frode; Hole, Lars Robert; Broström, Göran; Christensen, Kai H, 2023: Current shear and turbulence during a near-inertial wave Frontiers in Marine Science |
MEAP-TT | Sarma, V., Sridevi, B., Metzl, N., Patra, P. K., Lachkar, Z., Chakraborty, K., … & Chandra, N., 2023: Air‐Sea fluxes of CO2 in the Indian Ocean between 1985 and 2018: A synthesis based on Observation‐based surface CO2, hindcast and atmospheric inversion models Global Biogeochemical Cycles |
MEAP-TT | Sathyendranath, S., Brewin, R.J., Ciavatta, S., Jackson, T., Kulk, G., Jönsson, B., Vicente, V.M. and Platt, T., 2023: Ocean biology studied from space Surveys in Geophysics,44(5); 1287-308 |
OPOS-WG | Smith, G.C., P. Pernica, Y. Lu, N. Soontiens, R. Horwitz, F. Dupont, M. Dunphy, Y. LeClainche, I. Gaboury, F. Davidson, C. Bourgault-Brunelle, A. Leroux, A. Holdsworth, D. Lavoie, R. Hourston, D. Schillinger, G. Sutherland, J.-P. Paquin, 2023: CONCEPTS Science Workshop Report CMOS Bulleting |
MEAP-TT | Stoer, A.C., Yuichiro Takeshita, Y., Maurer, T.L., Begouen Demeaux, C., Bittig, H.C., Boss, E., Claustre, H., Dall’Olmo, G., Gordon, C., Greenan, B.J.W., S Johnson, K.S., Organelli, E., Sauzède, R., Schmechtig, C.M., Fennel, K., 2023: A Census of Quality-Controlled Biogeochemical-Argo Float Measurements Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1233289 https://doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1233289 |
CP-TT | Toyoda, T., L. S. Urakawa, H. Aiki, H. Nakano, E. Shindo, H. Yoshimura, Y. Kawakami, K. Sakamoto, A. Yamagami, Y. Ushijima, Y. Harada, C. Kobayashi, H. Tomita, T. Tozuka, and G. Yamanaka, 2023: Effective generation mechanisms of tropical instability waves as represented by high-resolution coupled atmosphere–ocean prediction experiments Scientific Reports |
OPOS-WG | Valiente, N. G., Saulter, A., Gomez, B., Bunney, C., Li, J.-G., Palmer, T., and Pequignet, C., 2023: The Met Office operational wave forecasting system: the evolution of the regional and global models Geoscientific Model Development,16, 2515–2538 |
MEAP-TT | Wang, B., Fennel, K., 2023: An assessment of vertical carbon flux parameterizations using backscatter data from BGC Argo Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL101220 |
DA-TT | Zedler, S. E., Polton, J. A., King, R. R., Wakelin, S. L., 2023: The effect of uncertain river forcing on the thermohaline properties of the North West European Shelf Seas Ocean Modelling,183, 102196 |
Reference Group | Publication (all published) Accepted papers are marked (A) |
2022 Top | |
COSS-TT | Aghito, Manuel; Calgaro, Loris; Dagestad, Knut-Frode; Ferrarin, Christian; Marcomini, Antonio; Breivik, Øyvind; Hole, Lars Robert, 2022: ChemicalDrift 1.0: an open-source Lagrangian chemical fate and transport model for organic aquatic pollutants Geoscientific Model Development Discussions |
COSS-TT | Aksenov, Y., Rynders, S., Feltham, D. L., Hosekova, L., Marsh, R., Skliris, N., … & Heorton, H., 2022: Safer Operations in Changing Ice-Covered Seas: Approaches and Perspectives In: Tuhkuri, J., Polojärvi, A. (eds) IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice. IUTAM Bookseries, vol 39. Springer, Cham.,39 |
CP-TT | Bateson, A. W., Feltham, D. L., Schröder, D., Wang, Y., Hwang, B., Ridley, J. K., and Aksenov, Y., 2022: Sea ice floe size: its impact on pan-Arctic and local ice mass and required model complexity The Cryosphere,16, 2565–2593 |
IV-TT | Bilge TA, Fournier N, Mignac D, Hume-Wright L, Bertino L, Williams T, Tietsche S, 2022: An Evaluation of the Performance of Sea Ice Thickness Forecasts to Support Arctic Marine Transport. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering., 10(2):265 |
COSS-TT | Byrne, David; Polton, Jeff; Ribeiro, Joseph; Fernand, Liam; Holt, Jason, 2022: Designing a large scale autonomous observing network: A set theory approach Frontiers in Marine Science |
COSS-TT | Castillo, Juan Manuel; Lewis, Huw W.; Mishra, Akhilesh; Mitra, Ashis; Polton, Jeff ; Brereton, Ashley; Saulter, Andrew; Arnold, Alex; Berthou, Segolene; Clark, Douglas; Crook, Julia; Das, Ananda; Edwards, John; Feng, Xiangbo; Gupta, Ankur; Joseph, Sudheer; Klingaman, Nicholas; Momin, Imranali; Pequignet, Christine; Sanchez, Claudio; Saxby, Jennifer; Valdivieso da Costa, Maria., 2022: The Regional Coupled Suite (RCS-IND1): application of a flexible regional coupled modelling framework to the Indian region at kilometre scale Geoscientific Model Development |
DA-TT | Cazenave, Anny; Gouzenes, Yvan; Birol, Florence; Leger, Fabien; Passaro, Marcello; Calafat, Francisco M.; Shaw, Andrew; Nino, Fernando; Legeais, Jean François; Oelsmann, Julius; Restano, Marco; Benveniste, Jérôme., 2022: Sea level along the world’s coastlines can be measured by a network of virtual altimetry stations Communications Earth & Environment |
COSS-TT | Ciliberti, S.A.; Jansen, E.; Coppini, G.; Peneva, E.; Azevedo, D.; Causio, S.; Stefanizzi, L.; Creti’, S.; Lecci, R.; Lima, L.; Pinardi, N. and A.Palasov, 2022: The Black Sea Physics Analysis and Forecasting System within the Framework of the Copernicus Marine Service J. Mar. Sci.Eng.2022,10,48 |
DA-TT | Costa, F. B., C. A. S. Tanajura, 2022: On the impact of vertical coordinate choice for innovation when assimilating hydrographic profiles into isopycnal ocean models Ocean Modeling, 169 |
SynObs | Cucurull, L., D, Menemenlis, D. Du, K. Q. Zhang, S. Akella, E. Remy, K. Wilmer-Becker, S. Masuda, G. Yamanaka, Y. Takaya, and Y. Fujii, 2023: Joint workshop of the OS-Eval TT and CP-TT and SynObs Kick-Off. Workshop Summary. Joint workshop of the OS-Eval TT and CP-TT and SynObs Kick-Off, 15-18 Nov 2022 at Tsukuba, Japan |
COSS-TT | de Aguiar, V., Dagestad, K. F., Hole, L. R., & Barthel, K., 2022: Quantitative assessment of two oil-in-ice surface drift algorithms Marine Pollution Bulletin |
MEAP-TT | Di Biagio, V., Salon, S., Feudale, L., and Cossarini, G., 2022: Subsurface oxygen maximum in oligotrophic marine ecosystems: mapping the interaction between physical and biogeochemical processes Biogeosciences,19, 5553–5574 |
MEAP-TT | Dilmahamod, A.F., J. Karstensen, H. Dietze, U. Löptien, K. Fennel, 2022: Generation mechanisms of mesoscale eddies in the Mauritanian Upwelling Region Journal of Physical Oceanography,52, 161-182 |
ETOOFS and OceanPredict | ETOOFS Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems, 2022: Implementing operational ocean monitoring and forecasting systems. IOC-UNESCO publication: GOOS-275 |
COSS-TT | Fan, S., Zhang, B., Perrie, W., Mouche, A., Liu, G., Li, H., 2022: Observed Ocean Surface Winds and Mixed Layer Currents Under Tropical Cyclones: Asymmetric Characteristics Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans |
MEAP-TT | Fennel, K., Mattern, J. P., Doney, S., Bopp, L., Moore, A., Wang, B., Yu, L., 2022: Ocean biogeochemical modelling Nature Reviews Methods Primers |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT, Met Office FOAM system | Fiedler, E. K., Martin, M. J., Blockley, E., Mignac, D., Fournier, N., Ridout, A., Shepherd, A., and Tilling, R., 2022: Assimilation of sea ice thickness derived from CryoSat-2 along-track freeboard measurements into the Met Office’s Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) The Cryosphere, 16, 61–85 |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT, COSS-TT, OSEval-TT | Ford, D. A., Grossberg, S., Rinaldi, G., Menon, P. M., Palmer, M. R., Skákala, J., Smyth, T., Williams, C. A. J., Lorenzo Lopez, A., and Ciavatta, S., 2022: A solution for autonomous, adaptive monitoring of coastal ocean ecosystems: Integrating ocean robots and operational forecasts Frontiers in Marine Science,9 |
MEAP-TT | Frankel, L.T., M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, A.J. Bever, R. N. Lipcius, G. Bhatt, G.W. Shenk, 2022: Nitrogen reductions have decreased hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence from empirical and numerical modeling Science of the Total Environment, 814 |
MEAP-TT | Ghosh, J., Chakraborty, K., Bhattacharya, T., Valsala, V., & Baduru, B., 2022: Impact of coastal upwelling dynamics on the pCO2 variability in the southeastern Arabian Sea Progress in Oceanography |
COSS-TT | Grayek, S., E. Stanev, N. Pham, A. Bonaduce and J. Staneva, 2022: Consistent data set of coastal sea level: The synergy between tidal gauge data and numerical modelling. Journal of Operational Oceanography, issue 6, volume 15, |
COSS-TT, DA-TT, JMA System | Hirose, N., Usui, N., Sakamoto, K., Kohno, N. and Yamanaka, G., 2022: Superposition of coastal-trapped waves and Kuroshio warm water intrusions caused unusually high sea levels around the southern coasts of Japan in early September 1971 Journal of Oceanography |
COSS-TT | Huang, X., Zhang, B., Perrie, W., Lu, Y., Wang, C., 2022: A Novel Deep Learning method for Marine Oil Spill Detection from Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 179, 113666 |
IV-TT | Iovino D, Selivanova J, Masina S and Cipollone A , 2022: The Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Pack Ice Area in CMEMS GREP Ensemble Reanalysis Product Front. Earth Sci. , 517.968055555556 |
CP-TT, JMA System | Kawakami, Y., Nakano, H., Urakawa, L. S., Toyoda, T., Sakamoto, K., Yoshimura, H., Shindo, E., and Yamanaka, G., 2022: Interactions between ocean and successive typhoons in the Kuroshio region in 2018 in atmosphere-ocean coupled model simulations. JGR Oceans |
DA-TT | Kerry, Colette and Brian Powell, 2022: Including tides improves subtidal prediction in a region of strong surface and internal tides and energetic mesoscale circulation Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans |
DA-TT | Kerry, Colette, Moninya Roughan, and Joao Marcos A. C. Souza, 2022: Drivers of upper ocean heat content extremes around New Zealand revealed by Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Frontiers in Climate |
COSS-TT | Kurapov, A. L., D. L. Rudnick, B. T. Cervantes, C. M. Risien, 2022: Slope and shelf flow anomalies off Oregon influenced by the El Niño remote oceanic mechanism in 2014–2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018604 |
OS-Eval TT | Landy, J. C., Dawson, G. J., Tsamados, M., Bushuk, M., Stroeve, J. C., Howell, S. E., Krumpen, T., Babb, D.G., Komarov, A.S., Heorton, H.D.B.S., Belter, H. J. and Aksenov, Y., 2022: A year-round satellite sea-ice thickness record from CryoSat-2 Nature,609(7927), 517-522 |
MEAP-TT | Laurent, A., Zhang, H., and Fennel, K., 2022: Role of phosphorus in the seasonal deoxygenation of the East China Sea shelf Biogeosciences,19, 5893–5910 |
CP-TT, DA-TT | Lea, D.J., While, J., Martin, M.J., Weaver, A., Storto, A. & Chrust, M, 2022: A new global ocean ensemble system at the Met Office: Assessing the impact of hybrid data assimilation and inflation settings Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society |
CP-TT, DA-TT | Leung, T.Y., Lawless, A.S., Nichols, N.K., Lea, D.J. & Martin, M.J, 2022: The impact of hybrid oceanic data assimilation in a coupled model: A case study of a tropical cyclone Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society |
DA-TT | Liu, C., Freeman, E., Kent, E. C., Berry, D. I., Worley, S. J., Smith, S. R., Huang, B., Zhang, H., Cram, T., Ji, Z., Ouellet, M., Gaboury, I., Oliva, F., Andersson, A., Angel, W. E., Sallis, A. R., & Adeyeye, A., 2022: Blending TAC and BUFR Marine in Situ Data for ICOADS Near-Real-Time Release 3.0.2 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology |
COSS-TT | Mayorga-Adame C. G., Polton, J. A., Fox A. D., Henry L-A, 2022: Spatiotemporal scales of larval dispersal and connectivity among oil and gas structures in the North Sea Marine Ecology Progress Series |
IV-TT | McAdam, R., Masina, S., Balmaseda, M., Gualdi, S., Senan, R., & Mayer, M., 2022: Seasonal forecast skill of upper-ocean heat content in coupled high-resolution systems Climate Dynamics |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT, Met Office FOAM system | Mignac, D., Martin, M., Fiedler, E., Blockley, E. & Fournier, N., 2022: Improving the Met Office’s Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) with the assimilation of satellite-derived sea-ice thickness data from CryoSat-2 and SMOS in the Arctic. Q J R Meteorol Soc, |
IV-TT | Morioka, Y., Iovino, D., Cipollone, A., Masina, S., & Behera, S. K., 2022: Decadal Sea Ice Prediction in the West Antarctic Seas with Ocean and Sea Ice Initializations Communications Earth & Environment |
DA-TT | Nakanowatari T, J Xie, L Bertino, M Matsueda, A Yamagami, J Inoue, 2022: Ensemble forecast experiments of summertime sea ice in the Arctic Ocean using the TOPAZ4 ice-ocean data assimilation system Environmental Research, 209 |
OS-Eval TT | Norman G. Loeb, Michael Mayer, Seiji Kato, John Fasullo, Hao Zuo, Retish Senan, John Miller Lyman, Gregory C. Johnson, Magdalena Alonso-Balmaseda, 2022: Evaluating Twenty-Year Trends in Earth’s Energy Flows from Observations Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres., |
COSS-TT | Oliver, B., Veitch, J., & Reason, C. J. C., 2022: Variability in high wave energy events around the southern African coast Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 |
COSS-TT | Park, K., I. Federico, E. Di Lorenzo, T. Ezer, K. M. Cobb, N. Pinardi, G. Coppini, 2022: The contribution of hurricane remote ocean forcing to storm surge along the Southeastern U.S. coast Coastal Engineering, Volume 173, 104098 |
COSS-TT | Pavlov, V.; Aguiar, V.C.M.d.; Hole, L.R.; Pongrácz, E., 2022: A 30-Year Probability Map for Oil Spill Trajectories in the Barents Sea to Assess Potential Environmental and Socio-Economic Threats Resources 11, no. 1: 1. |
COSS-TT | Pérez-Bello, Alexis, Ida Mitrani-Arenal, Oscar O. Díaz-Rodríguez, Cecilie Wettre, Lars Robert Hole, 2022: A numerical prediction system combining ocean, waves and atmosphere models in the Inter-American Seas and Cuba Revista Cubana De Meteorología, |
COSS-TT | Perrie, W., Meylan, M., Toulany,B., Caseym M., 2022: Modelling Wave-Ice Interactions in Three-Dimensions in the Marginal Ice Zone Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 380(2235) |
COSS-TT | Perrie, W., Toulany, B., Casey, M., 2022: A Generalized Two – Scale Approximation for Ocean Wave Models Forecasting Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Physical Oceanography |
COSS-TT | Polton, J. A., Harle, J., Holt, J., Katavouta, A., Partridge, D., Jardine, J., Wakelin, S., Rulent, J., Wise, A., Hutchinson, K., Byrne, D., Bruciaferri, D., O’Dea, E., De Dominicis, M., Mathiot, P., Coward, A., Yool, A., Palmieri, J., Lessin, G., Mayorga-Adame, G., Le Guennec, V., Arnold, A., and Rousset, C.:, 2022: Reproducible and Relocatable Regional Ocean Modelling: Fundamentals and practices Geoscientific Model Development |
COSS-TT | Pranavam Ayyappan Pillai, U., Pinardi, N., Federico, I., Causio, S., Trotta, F., Unguendoli, S., and Valentini, A., 2022: Wind-wave characteristics and extremes along the Emilia-Romagna coast Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci 22, 3413–3433 |
COSS-TT | Ragoasha, M. N., Herbette, S., Veitch, J., Cambon, G., Reason, C. J. C., & Roy, C., 2022: Inter-annual variability of the along-shore Lagrangian transport success in the southern Benguela Current upwelling system Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 |
COSS-TT | Russo CS, Veitch J, Carr M, Fearon G and Whittle C, 2022: An Intercomparison of Global Reanalysis Products for Southern Africa’s Major Oceanographic Features Frontiers in Marine Science, |
MEAP-TT | Rutherford, K., Fennel, K., 2022: Elucidating coastal ocean carbon transport processes: A novel approach applied to the northwest North Atlantic Shelf Geophysical Research Letters |
COSS-TT | Olgay Şen, Şehriban Saçu, Tarkan Erdik, İzzet Öztürk, Emil V. Stanev, 2022: Assessing the potential impacts of the Canal Istanbul on the physical oceanography of the Turkish Straits System Continental Shelf Research, 240, 104723, ISSN 0278-4343. |
DA-TT | Shah, Abhishek; Bertino, Laurent; Counillon, Francois; El Gharamti, Mohamad; Xie, Jiping , 2022: Assimilation of semi-qualitative sea ice thickness data with the EnKF-SQ: a twin experiment Tellus A, 72 |
CP-TT | Siddorn, John; Bernier, Natacha B.; Breivik, Øyvind; Christensen, Kai H.; Penny, Stephen G. and Wang, Keguang, 2022: Coupled Prediction: Integrated Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean forecasting. In: Fanjul, E. Alvarez; Bahurel, P., (eds.) Implementing Operational Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Systems |
CP-TT, IV-TT, COSS-TT, DA-TT | Siddorn, J. ; Blair, G.; Boot, D.; Buck, J.; Kingdon, A. ; Kloker, A.; Kokkinaki, A.; Moncoiffe, G.; Blyth, E.; Fry, M.; Heaven, R.; Lewis, E.; Marchant, B.; Napier, B. ; Passmore, J.; Pepler, S.; Townsend, P.; Watkins, J.; Winfield, K.., 2022: An Information Management Framework for Environmental Digital Twins (IMFe) IMFe Summary Report,23pp. |
DA-TT, MEAP-TT, Met Office FOAM system | Skákala, J., Bruggeman, J., Ford, D., Wakelin, S., Akpınar, A., Hull, T., Kaiser, J., Loveday, B.R., O’Dea, E., Williams, C.A. and Ciavatta, S., 2022: The impact of ocean biogeochemistry on physics and its consequences for modelling shelf seas Ocean Modelling, |
IV-TT, DA-TT, ECCC GIOPS and RIOPS systems | Smith, G.C. and Fortin, A.-S., 2022: Verification of eddy properties in operational oceanographic analysis systems Ocean Modelling, 172 |
MEAP-TT | Solidoro, C., Cossarini, G., Lazzari, P., Galli, G., Bolzon, G., Somot, S., Salon, S., 2022: Modeling Carbon Budgets and Acidification in the Mediterranean Sea Ecosystem Under Contemporary and Future Climate Frontiers in Marine Science |
COSS-TT | Stanev, E. V., Wahle, K., & Staneva, J., 2022: The synergy of data from profiling floats, machine learning and numerical modeling: Case of the Black Sea euphotic zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018012, |
COSS-TT | Sutherland, G., de Aguiar, V., Hole, L. R., Rabault, J., Dabboor, M., & Breivik, Ø., 2022: Estimating a mean transport velocity in the marginal ice zone using ice–ocean prediction systems. The Cryosphere, 16(5), 2103-2114 |
COSS-TT | Thewes D, Stanev EV and Zielinski O, 2022: Steps Toward Modelling the Past and Future North Sea Ecosystem With a Focus on Light Climate Front. Mar. Sci. 9:818383, |
DA-TT | Thouvenin-Masson, Clovis; Boutin, Jacqueline; Vergely, Jean-Luc; Reverdin, Gilles; Martin, Adrien C. H.; Guimbard, Sébastien; Reul, Nicolas; Sabia, Roberto; Catany, Rafael; Hembise Fanton-d’Andon, Odile., 2022: Satellite and in situ sampling mismatches: Consequences for the estimation of satellite sea surface salinity uncertainties Remote Sensing,14 (8), 1878 |
COSS-TT | Umesh Pranavam Ayyappan Pillai, N. Pinardi, J. Alessandri, I. Federico, S. Causio, S. Unguendoli, A. Valentini, J. Staneva: 2022: A Digital Twin modelling framework for the assessment of seagrass Nature Based Solutions against storm surges Science of The Total EnvironmentVolume 847, 15 November 2022, 157603 |
COSS-TT, DA-TT, JMA System | Usui, N., and Ogawa, K., 2022: Sea level variability along the Japanese coast forced by the Kuroshio and its extension Journal of Oceanography |
OS-Eval TT | Winkelbauer, S., Mayer, M., Seitner, V., Zsoter, E., Zuo, H., and Haimberger, L, 2022: Diagnostic evaluation of river discharge into the Arctic Ocean and its impact on oceanic volume transports Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., Volume 26, 279–304 |
COSS-TT | Wise A, J Harle, D Bruciaferri, E O’Dea, J Polton, 2022: The effect of vertical coordinates on the accuracy of a shelf sea model Ocean Modelling, 170 Https:// |
COSS-TT | Wullenweber, Nellie, Lars R. Hole, Peygham Ghaffari, Inger Graves, Harald Tholo, and Lionel Camus., 2022: SailBuoy Ocean Currents: Low-Cost Upper-Layer Ocean Current Measurements Sensors. 2022; 22(15):5553 |
COSS-TT | Zhang, B., Mouche, A., Perriem W., 2022: First Quasi-Synchronous Hurricane Quad-Polarization Observations by C-band Radar Constellation Mission and RADARSAT-2 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (Volume: 60) |
2021 Top | |
COSS-TT | Accarino, G., Chiarelli, M., Fiore, S., Federico, I., Causio, S., Coppini, G., & Aloisio, G., 2021: A multi-model architecture based on Long Short-Term Memory neural networks for multi-step sea level forecasting. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 124, 1- 9 |
COSS-TT | Andersson, T. R., Hosking, J. S., Pérez-Ortiz, M., Paige, B., Elliott, A., Russell, C., … & Shuckburgh, E., 2021: Seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasting with probabilistic deep learning Nature communications,12(1), 1-12 |
COSS-TT | Androulidakis, Yannis, Vassiliki Kourafalou, Maria Josefina Olascoaga, Francisco Javier Beron‑Vera, Matthieu Le Hénaff, Heesook Kang, Nektaria Ntaganou, 2021: Impact of Caribbean Anticyclones on Loop Current variability, Ocean Dynamics volume 71, pages 935–956 (2021) |
COSS-TT | Androulidakis, Yannis, Vassiliki Kourafalou, Matthieu Le Hénaff, HeeSook Kang, Nektaria Ntaganou, 2021: The role of mesoscale dynamics over Northwestern Cuba on the Loop Current evolution in 2010, during the Deepwater Horizon incident, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 188 |
COSS-TT | Androulidakis, Yannis, Vassilis Kolovoyiannis, Christos Makris, Yannis Krestenitis, Vasilis Baltikas, Natassa Stefanidou, Andromachi Chatziantoniou, Konstantinos Topouzelis, Maria Moustaka-Gouni, 2021: Effects of ocean circulation on the eutrophication of a Mediterranean gulf with river inlets: the Northern Thermaikos Gulf, Continental Shelf Research, 221, 104416 |
OS-Eval TT | Balan-Sarojini, B., S. Tietsche, M. Mayer, M. Balmaseda, H. Zuo, P. de Rosnay, T. Stockdale and F. Vitart, 2021: Year-round Impact of Winter Sea Ice Thickness Observations on Seasonal Forecasts The Cryosphere, 15, 325–344 |
IV-TT | Basconcillo, Joseph, Il-Ju Moon, Bin Wang and Malcolm Mistry, 2021: Possible influence of the Warm Pool ITCZ on compound climate extremes during the boreal summer, Environmental Research Letters, 16, 114039 |
OS-Eval TT, Mercator Ocean system | Benkiran M., R. Giovanni, Greiner E., Le Traon P-Y., Rémy E., Lellouche J-M., Bourdallé-Badie R., Drillet Y., Tchonang B., 2021: Assessing the Impact of the Assimilation of SWOT Observations in a Global High-Resolution Analysis and Forecasting System Part 1: Methods, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 947 |
MEAP-TT | Bever, A.J., M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, 2021: Real-time environmental forecasts of the Chesapeake Bay: Model setup, improvements and online visualization, Environmental Modelling and Software, 105036 |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT | Bonaduce A, Cipollone A, Johannessen JA, Staneva J, Raj RP and Aydogdu A, 2021: Ocean Mesoscale Variability: A Case Study on the Mediterranean Sea From a Re-Analysis Perspective, Front. Earth Sci., 9724879 |
DA-TT | Bonaduce, Antonio, Andrea Cipollone, Johnny A. Johannessen, Joanna Staneva, Roshin P. Raj and Ali Aydogdu, 2021: Ocean Mesoscale Variability: A Case Study on the Mediterranean Sea From a Re-Analysis Perspective Frontiers in Earth Science, 16 |
COSS-TT | Byrne, D., Polton, J. and Bell, C., 2021: Creation of a global tide analysis dataset: Application of NEMO and an offline objective analysis scheme Journal of Operational Oceanography, pp.1-14 |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Valsala, V., Bhattacharya, T., & Ghosh, J., 2021: Seasonal cycle of surface ocean pCO2 and pH in the northern Indian Ocean and their controlling factors Progress in Oceanography |
OP systems | Chamberlain, M.A., Oke, P.R., Fiedler, R.A., Beggs, H.M., Brassington, G.B. and Divakaran, P., 2021. Next generation of Bluelink ocean reanalysis with multiscale data assimilation: BRAN2020. Earth System Science Data Discussions, pp.1-31 |
DA-TT, IV-TT, MEAP-TT | Ciliberti, S.A., Grégoire, M., Staneva, J., Palazov, A., Coppini, G., Lecci, R., Peneva, E., Matreata, M., Marinova, V., Masina, S., Pinardi, N., Jansen, E., Lima, L., Aydoğdu, A., Creti’, S., Stefanizzi, L., Azevedo, D., Causio, S., Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., Meulders, C., Ivanov, E., Behrens, A., Ricker, M., Gayer, G., Palermo, F., Ilicak, M., Gunduz, M., Valcheva, N., Agostini, P. , 2021: Monitoring and Forecasting the Ocean State and Biogeochemical Processes in the Black Sea: Recent Developments in the Copernicus Marine Service, J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9, 1146. |
COSS-TT | Cirano, M., Charria, G., De Mey-Frémaux, P., Kourafalou, V. K., Stanev, E., 2021: Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT)—Part II Ocean Dynamics, |
COSS-TT, IV-TT | Coppini G., Clementi E., Cossarini G., Korres G., Drudi m.,et al, 2021: The Copernicus Marine Service ocean forecasting system for the Mediterranean Sea 9th Eurogoos Conference, 574 |
MEAP-TT | Cossarini, G., Feudale, L., Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Coidessa, G., Solidoro, C., Di Biagio, V., Amadio, C., Lazzari, P., Brosich, A., Salon, S., 2021: High-Resolution Reanalysis of the Mediterranean Sea Biogeochemistry (1999–2019) Frontiers in Marine Science |
MEAP-TT | Da, F., M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, E.H. Shadwick, R.G. Najjar, K. Hinson, 2021: Mechanisms driving decadal changes in the carbonate system of a coastal plain estuary JGR-Oceans, 126 |
DA-TT | de Paula, T. P., J. A. M. Lima, C. A. S. Tanajura, M. Andrioni, R. P. Martins, W. Z. Arruda, 2021: The impact of ocean data assimilation on the simulation of mesoscale eddies at São Paulo plateau (Brazil) using the Regional Ocean Modeling System Ocean Modeling, 167 |
OS-Eval TT | Domingues, R., M. Le Hénaff, G. Halliwell, J.A. Zhang, F. Bringas, P. Chardon, H.-S. Kim, J. Morell, and G. Goni, 2021: The impact of ocean conditions on the intensification and forecasts of three major Atlantic hurricanes of 2017, Monthly Weather Review, 149(5), pp.1265-1286 |
DA-TT, Met Office FOAM system | Dong, B., K. Haines, M. Martin, 2021: Improved High Resolution Ocean Reanalyses Using a Simple Smoother Algorithm Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13 |
DA-TT, IV-TT | Escudier, Romain, Emanuela Clementi, Andrea Cipollone, Jenny Pistoia, Massimiliano Drudi, Alessandro Grandi, Vlyadyslav Lyubartsev, Rita Lecci, Ali Aydogdu, Damiano Delrosso, Mohamed Omar, Simona Masina, Giovanni Coppini and Nadia Pinardi, 2021: A high resolution reanalysis for the Mediterranean Sea, Front. Earth Sci., 9, 1060 |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT | Ford, D., 2021: Assimilating synthetic Biogeochemical-Argo and ocean colour observations into a global ocean model to inform observing system design, Biogeosciences, 18, 509-534 |
COSS-TT | Franz G, Garcia CAE, Pereira J, de Freitas Assad LP, Rollnic M, Garbossa LHP, da Cunha LC, Lentini CAD, Nobre P, Turra A, Trotte-Duhá JR, Cirano M, Estefen SF, Lima JAM, Paiva AM, Noernberg MA, Tanajura CAS, Moutinho JL, Campuzano F, Pereira ES, Lima AC, Mendonça LFF, Nocko H, Machado L, Alvarenga JBR, Martins RP, Böck CS, Toste R, Landau L, Miranda T, dos Santos F, Pellegrini J, Juliano M, Neves R and Polejack A, 2021: Coastal Ocean Observing and Modeling Systems in Brazil: Initiatives and Future Perspectives Frontiers of Marine Science, |
COSS-TT | Freitas, P. P., Paiva, A. M., Cirano, M. Mill, G. N., Costa, V. S., Gabioux, M., Fran, B. R. L., 2021: Coastal trapped waves propagation along the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf Continental Shelf Research, |
CP-TT, OS-Eval TT, DA-TT, JMA System | Fujii, Y., T. Ishibashi, T. Yasuda, Y. Takaya, C. Kobayashi, and I. Ishikawa, 2021: Improvements in tropical precipitation and sea surface air temperature fields in a coupled atmosphere–ocean data assimilation system, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 147, 1317-1343 |
COSS-TT | Fukai, D. T. , Oaquim, A. B. J. , Cirano, M., 2021: How Might the Ocean Change in the Future? Frontiers of Young Minds, |
DA-TT, Mercator Ocean system | Gasparin, F., Cravatte, S., Greiner, E., Perruche, C., Hamon, M., Van Gennip, S., & Lellouche, J. M., 2021: Excessive productivity and heat content in tropical Pacific analyses: Disentangling the effects of in situ and altimetry assimilation, Ocean Modelling, Vol 160 |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT | Hanna- Kim, Young Ho Kim and Kyoung-Ok Kim, 2021: Application of data assimilation for spectral wave model in coastal regions of South Korea Journal of Coastal Research, 114(SI), 76–80 |
MEAP-TT | Hinson, K., M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, F. Da, R.G. Najjar, 2021: Extent and causes of Chesapeake Bay warming JAWRA, |
COSS-TT | Hirose, Naoki, Tianran Liu, Katsumi Takayama, Katsuto Uehara, Takeshi Taneda, and Young Ho Kim, 2021: Vertical viscosity coefficient increased for high-resolution modeling of the Tsushima/Korea Strait, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 38, 1205-1215 |
IV-TT | Hojin Kim , Ki-Young Heo, Nam-Hoon Kim and Jae-Il Kwon, 2021: Hindcasts of Sea Surface Wind around the Korean Peninsula Using the WRF Model: Added Value Evaluation and Estimation of Extreme Wind Speeds, Atmosphere, 12(7), 895 |
COSS-TT | Hole, L. R., de Aguiar, V., Dagestad, K. F., Kourafalou, V. H., Androulidakis, Y., Kang, H., … & Calzada, A, 2021: Long term simulations of potential oil spills around Cuba Marine Pollution Bulletin |
COSS-TT | Holdsworth, A., L. Zhai, Y. Lu, and J. Christian, 2021: Future changes in oceanography and biogeochemistry along the Canadian Pacific continental margin Frontiers in Marine Sciences , |
MEAP-TT | Hood, R.R., G. Shenk and co-authors, 2021: The Chesapeake Bay Program Modelling System: overview and recommendations for future development Ecological Modeling, 456 |
IV-TT | Hyeonji Bae, Dabin Lee, Jae Joong Kang, Jae Hyung Lee, Naeun Jo, Kwanwoo Kim, Hyo Keun Jang, Myung Joon Kim, Yejin Kim, Jae-Il Kwon and Sang Heon Lee, 2021: Satellite-Derived Protein Concentration of Phytoplankton in the Southwestern East/Japan Sea, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 189-203 |
COSS-TT | Ilicak, M., Federico, I., Barletta, I., Mutlu, S., Karan, H., Ciliberti, S.A., Clementi, E., Coppini, G., Pinardi, N. , 2021: Modeling of the Turkish Strait System using a high resolution unstructured grid ocean circulation model J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9(7), 769; |
COSS-TT | Jacob B and Stanev EV, 2021: Understanding the Impact of Bathymetric Changes in the German Bight on Coastal Hydrodynamics: One Step Toward Realistic Morphodynamic Modeling. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:640214., |
IV-TT | Jae-Youll Jin, Jong Dae Do, Jin-Soon Park, Jun Seok Park, Byunggil Lee, Sung-Doo Hong, Sung-Ju Moon, Keun Choon Hwang and Yeon S. Chang, 2021: Intelligent Buoy System (INBUS): Automatic Lifting Observation System for Macrotidal Coastal Waters, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 668673 |
IV-TT | Jong Dae Do, Jae-Youll Jin, Weon Mu Jeong, Byunggil Lee, Chang Hwan Kim, Yeon S. Chang, 2021: Observation of nearshore crescentic sandbar formation during storm wave conditions using satellite images and video monitoring data, Marine Geology, 442, 106661 |
IV-TT | Jong Dae Do, Jae-Youll Jin, Weon Mu Jeong,Byunggil Lee, Jin Yong Choi and Yeon S. Chang, 2021: Collapse of a Coastal Revetment Due to the Combined Effect of Anthropogenic and Natural Disturbances, Sustainability, 13(7), 3712 |
IV-TT | Kamolov, Ahmadhon Akbarkhonovich and Suhyun Park, 2021: Prediction of Depth of Seawater Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm of Crowdsourced SONAR Data, Sustainability, 13(11), 5823 |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT, Met Office FOAM system | King, R. R. and Martin, M. J., 2021: Assimilating realistically simulated wide-swath altimeter observations in a high-resolution shelf-seas forecasting system Ocean Science, 17, 1791–1813 |
CP-TT, OS-Eval TT, DA-TT, JMA System | Kobayashi, C., Y. Fujii, I. Ishikawa, 2021: Intraseasonal SST-Precipitation Relationship in a coupled reanalysis experiment using the MRI coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation system, Climate Dynamics, 56, 2377-2388 |
IV-TT | Kyungman Kwon, Byoung-Ju Choi, Sung-Gwan Myoung and Han-Seul Sim, 2021: Propagation of a Meteotsunami from the Yellow Sea to the Korea Strait in April 2019, Atmosphere, 12(8), 1083 |
OS-Eval TT | Landy, J. C., Bouffard, J., Wilson, C., Rynders, S., Aksenov, Y., & Tsamados, M., 2021: Improved Arctic sea ice freeboard retrieval from satellite altimetry using optimized sea surface decorrelation scales Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean,126(12), e2021JC017466 |
MEAP-TT | Laurent, A., Fennel, K., Kuhn, A., 2021: An observation-based evaluation and ranking of historical Earth system model simulations in the northwest North Atlantic Ocean Biogeosciences, 18, 1803-1822 |
OS-Eval TT | Le Hénaff, M., R. Domingues, G. Halliwell, J.A. Zhang, H.S. Kim, M. Aristizabal, T. Miles, S. Glenn, and G. Goni, 2021: The role of the Gulf of Mexico ocean conditions in the intensification of Hurricane Michael (2018), Journal of Geophysical Research : Oceans, 126, p.e2020JC016969 |
Mercator Ocean system | Lellouche J-M., E. Greiner, R. Bourdallé-Badie, G. Garric, A. Melet, M. Drévillon, C. Bricaud, M. Hamon, O. Le Galloudec, C. Regnier, T. Candela, C-E. Testut, F. Gasparin, G. Ruggiero, M. Benkiran, Y. Drillet, P-Y. Le Traon, 2021: The Copernicus Global 1/12° Oceanic and Sea Ice GLORYS12 Reanalysis, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 585 |
DA-TT, ROMS | Levin, J., H. Arango, B. Laughlin, E. Hunter, J. Wilkin, A. Moore, 2021: Observation impacts on the Mid-Atlantic Bight front and cross-shelf transport in 4D-Var ocean state estimates: Part II—The Pioneer Array, Ocean Modelling, Vol 157, online publication |
DA-TT, ROMS | Levin, J., H. Arango, B. Laughlin, E. Hunter, J. Wilkin, A. Moore, 2021: The impact of remote sensing observations on cross-shelf transport estimates from 4D-Var analyses of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Advances in Space Research, Vol 68, issue 2, pg 553-570 |
DA-TT | Lima, L., Ciliberti, S.A., Aydoğdu, A., Masina, S., Escudier, R., Cipollone, A., Azevedo, D., Causio, S., Peneva, E., Lecci, R., Clementi, E., Jansen, E., Ilicak, M., Cretì, S., Stefanizzi, L., Palermo, F. and Coppini, G., 2021: Climate Signals in the Black Sea From a Multidecadal Eddy-Resolving Reanalysis, Front. Mar. Sci., 8710973 |
COSS-TT | Liu Y, J Xie, Z Liu, J Gan, J Zhu, 2021: The assimilation of temperature and salinity profile observations for forecasting the river–estuary–shelf waters Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(10) |
COSS-TT | Liubartseva, Svitlana, Ivan Federico, Giovanni Coppini, Rita Lecci., 2021: Stochastic oil spill modeling for environmental protection at the Port of Taranto (southern Italy) Marine Pollution Bulletin, 171, 112744 |
MEAP-TT | Lopez, A.G., R.G. Najjar, M.A.M. Friedrichs, M. A. Hickner, D.H. Wardrop, 2021: Estuaries as Filters for Riverine Microplastics: Simulations in a Large, Coastal-Plain Estuary Frontiers in Marine Science |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection II | Mauro Cirano, Guillaume Charria, Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, Vassiliki H. Kourafalou & Emil Stanev, 2021: Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT)—Part II, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II;
Ocean Dynamics, vol. 71, pages 779–783 (2021) |
IV-TT, Met Office (regional) FOAM system | Mittermaier, M., North, R., Maksymczuk, J., Pequignet, C., and Ford, D, 2021: Using feature-based verification methods to explore the spatial and temporal characteristics of the 2019 chlorophyll-a bloom season in a model of the European Northwest Shelf, Ocean Science, 17, 1527-1543 |
DA-TT, ROMS | Moore, A, H. Arango, 2021: On the behavior of ocean analysis and forecast error covariance in the presence of baroclinic instability, Ocean Modelling, Vol 157, online publication |
DA-TT, ROMS | Moore, A., J. Levin, H. Arango, J. Wilkin, 2021: Assessing the performance of an ocean observing, analysis and forecast System for the Mid-Atlantic Bight using array modes, Ocean Modelling, Vol 164, online publication |
IV-TT | Myung‑Seok Kim, Hyunmin Eom, Sung Hyup You, Seung‑Buhm Woo, 2021: Real-time pressure disturbance monitoring system in the Yellow Sea: pilot test during the period of March to April 2018, Natural Hazards, 106, 1703–1728 |
COSS-TT | Nguyen-Duy Tung, N. Ayoub, P. Marsaleix, F. Toublanc, P. De Mey-Frémaux, V. Piton, M. Herrmann, T. Duhaut, Manh Tran, Ngo-Duc Thanh, 2021: Variability of the Red River Plume in the Gulf of Tonkin as Revealed by Numerical Modeling and Clustering Analysis Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers Media, 2021, 8, pp.772139. .⟨hal-03441704⟩ |
COSS-TT | (B) Pascual, A, D Macias, 2021: Ocean science challenges for 2030; CSIC Scientifc Challenges: Towards 2030, Full book |
COSS-TT | Pein J, Eisele A, Sanders T, Daewel U, Stanev EV, van Beusekom JEE, Staneva J and Schrum C, 2021: Seasonal Stratification and Biogeochemical Turnover in the Freshwater Reach of a Partially Mixed Dredged Estuary Front. Mar. Sci. 8:623714, |
COSS-TT | Peneva, Elisaveta , Emil Stanev, Stefania Ciliberti, Leonardo Lima, Ali Aydogdu, Veselka Marinova and Nadejda Valcheva, 2021: Interannual variations of the Black Sea Rim Current Journal of Operational Oceanography, s53–s59., |
IV-TT | Ren, S., Zhu, X. ,Drevillon, M. , Wang, H., Zhang, Y. , Zu, Z. , and Li A., 2021: Detection of SST Fronts from a High-Resolution Model and Its Preliminary Results in the South China Sea Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology |
MEAP-TT | Ross, A.C., C.A. Stock, K.W. Dixon, M.A.M. Friedrichs, R.R. Hood, M. Li, K. Pegion, V. Saba, G. A. Vecchi, 2021: Estuarine forecasts at daily weather to subseasonal time scales, Earth and Space Science, 7 |
MEAP-TT | Rutherford, K., Fennel, K., Atamanchuk, D., Wallace, D., and Thomas, H., 2021: A modeling study of temporal and spatial pCO2 variability on the biologically active and temperature-dominated Scotian Shelf Biogeosciences |
DA-TT, OS-Eval TT | Sang-Yeob Kim , Young-Gyu Park, Young Ho Kim, Seongbong Seo, Hyunkeun Jin, Gyundo Pak, and Ho Jin Lee, 2021: Origin, variability, and pathways of East Sea Intermediate Water in a High-Resolution Ocean Reanalysis, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(6), 1-15 |
MEAP-TT | Scavia, D., I. Bertani, J.M. Testa, A.J. Bever, J.D. Blomquist, M.A.M. Friedrichs, L.C. Linker, B.D. Michael, R.R. Murphy, G.W. Shenk, 2021: Advancing estuarine ecological forecasts: seasonal hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay Ecological Applications, 31 |
IV-TT | Seongbong Seo and Young-Gyu Park , 2021: Tracking a Coastal Wave Buoy, Lost from the Southern Coast of Jeju Island, Using Lagrangian Particle Modeling, Journal of Marine Science and engineering, 9(8), 795 |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT, Met Office FOAM system | Skákala, J., Ford, D., Bruggeman, J., Hull, T., Kaiser, J., King, R. R., Loveday, B., Palmer, M. R., Smyth, T., Williams, C., and Ciavatta, S., 2021: Towards a multi-platform assimilative system for North Sea biogeochemistry, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016649 |
COSS-TT | Skliris N, Marsh R, Srokosz M, Aksenov Y, Rynders S, Fournier N, 2021: Assessing Extreme Environmental Loads on Offshore Structures in the North Sea from High-Resolution Ocean Currents, Waves and Wind Forecasting Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.,9(10):1052 |
MEAP-TT | Silva, E, Counillon, F, Brajard, J, Korosov, A, Pettersson, LH, Samuelsen, A, Keenlyside, N, 2021: Twenty-One Years of Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in the Barents, Norwegian, and North Seas Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 |
DA-TT, COSS-TT, IV-TT | Smith, G.C., Y. Liu, M. Benkiran, K. Chikhar, D. Surcel Colan, C.-E. Testut, F. Dupont, J. Lei, F. Roy, J.-F. Lemieux and F. Davidson, 2021: The Regional Ice Ocean Prediction System v2: a pan-Canadian ocean analysis system, Geoscientific Model Development, 14(3), 1445-1467 GMD – The Regional Ice Ocean Prediction System v2: a pan-Canadian ocean analysis system using an online tidal harmonic analysis ( |
IV-TT/Clivar NORP | Solomon A., C. Heuzé, B. Rabe, S. Bacon, L. Bertino, P. Heimbach, J. Inoue, D. Iovino, R. Mottram, X. Zhang, Y. Aksenov, R. McAdam, A. Nguyen, R. Raj, and H. Tang, 2021: Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean 2010-2019 Ocean Science, vol 17, pp. 1081–1102 |
COSS-TT | Stanev, E.V., Ricker, M., Grayek, S., Jacob, B., Haid, V. and Staneva, J, 2020: Numerical Eddy-Resolving Modeling of the Ocean: Mesoscale and Sub-Mesoscale Examples. Physical Oceanography, [e-journal] 27(6), pp. 631-658, |
COSS-TT | Stanev, E. V., Chtirkova, B., & Peneva, E., 2021: Geothermal convection and double diffusion based on profiling floats in the Black Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091788., |
COSS-TT | Stanev, E. V., & Chtirkova, B., 2021: Interannual change in mode waters: Case of the Black Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016429., |
DA-TT | Storto, A, Andriopoulos, P. , 2021: A new stochastic ocean physics package and its application to hybrid-covariance data assimilation, Q J R Meteorol Soc., 1691– 1725 |
DA-TT, CLIVAR/GSOP | Storto, A., Balmaseda, M. A., de Boisseson, E., Giese, B. S., Masina, S., & Yang, C., 2021: The 20th century global warming signature on the ocean at global and basin scales as depicted from historical reanalyses, International Journal of Climatology, 41 (13), 5977– 5997 |
DA-TT | Storto, A., G. De Magistris, S. Falchetti, and P. Oddo, 2021: A neural-network based observation operator for coupled ocean acoustic data assimilation, Monthly Weather Review, 149(6), 1967-1985 |
OS-Eval TT, Mercator Ocean system | Tchonang B. C., Benkiran M., Le Traon P.-Y., Van Gennip S., Lellouche J.-M., Ruggiero G., 2021: Assessing the Impact of the Assimilation of SWOT Observations in a Global High-Resolution Analysis and Forecasting System Part 2: results, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 1208 |
DA-TT, MEAP-TT | Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Feudale, L., Cossarini, G., 2021: Deep chlorophyll maximum and nutricline in the Mediterranean Sea: emerging properties from a multi-platform assimilated biogeochemical model experiment, Biogeosciences, Preprint bg-2021-97 |
MEAP-TT | Terzić, E., Salon, S., Cossarini, G., Solidoro, C., Teruzzi, A., Miró, A., Lazzari, P., 2021: Impact of interannually variable diffuse attenuation coefficients for downwelling irradiance on biogeochemical modelling, Ocean Modelling, 161, 101793 |
COSS-TT | Thewes, D., Stanev, E. V., & Zielinski, O., 2021: The North Sea light climate: Analysis of observations and numerical simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017697. |
COSS-TT, JMA System | Toyoda, T., Sakamoto, K., Usui, N., Hirose, N., Tanaka, K., Katsumata, T., Takahashi, D., Niki, M., Kutuswada, K, Miyama, T., Nakano, H., Urakawa, L. S., Komatsu, K., Kawakami, Y., and Yamanaka, G., 2021: Surface-layer circulations in Suruga Bay induced by intrusions of Kuroshio branch water Frontiers in Marine Science |
COSS-TT | Trotta, F., Federico, I., Pinardi, N., Coppini, G., Causio, S., Jansen, E., Iovino D., Masina S. , 2021: A relocatable ocean modeling platform for downscaling to shelf-coastal areas to support disaster risk reduction Front. Mar. Sci., |
MEAP-TT | Valsala, V., Sreeush, M.G., Anju, M., Sreenivas, P., Tiwari, Y.K., Chakraborty, K., Sijikumar, S., 2021: An observing system simulation experiment for Indian Ocean surface pCO2 measurements Progress in Oceanography |
COSS-TT | Vervatis, V.D., P. De Mey-Frémaux, N. Ayoub, J. Karagiorgos, S. Ciavatta, R.J.W. Brewin, S. Sofianos, 2021: Assessment of a regional physical–biogeochemical stochastic ocean model. Part 2: Empirical consistency Ocean Modelling, 160, pp.101770 . ⟨hal-03441458⟩ |
MEAP-TT | Wang, B., Fennel, K., Yu, L., 2021: Can assimilation of satellite observations improve subsurface biological properties in a numerical model? A case study for the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Science, 17, 1141-1156 |
DA-TT | Weaver, A. T., Chrust, M., Ménétrier, B., Piacentini, A., 2021: An evaluation of methods for normalizing diffusion-based covariance operators in variational data assimilation 28Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society |
COSS-TT | Wenfeng Lai, Jianping Gan, Ye Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Jiping Xie, and Jiang Zhu, 2021: Assimilating In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations in a Highly Variable Estuary–Shelf Model, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 459–479 |
CP-TT | Wilson, C., Aksenov, Y., Rynders, S. et al., 2021: Significant variability of structure and predictability of Arctic Ocean surface pathways affects basin-wide connectivity Commun Earth Environ,2, 164 |
COSS-TT | Wu, Y., A, Huang, Y. Lu, Lazhu, X. Yang, B. Qiu, Z. Zhang, and X. Zhang, 2021: Numerical Study of the Thermal Structure and Circulation in a Large and Deep Dimictic Lake over Tibetan Plateau Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans., |
MEAP-TT | Yao, Y., H. Tian, S. Pan, R.G. Najjar, M.A.M. Friedrichs, Z. Bian, et al., 2021: Riverine carbon cycling over the past century in the Mid‐Atlantic region of the United States JGR-Biogeosciences, |
COSS-TT | Zavialov, P., 2021: Are Periodic Oscillations of Sea Surface Height Inherent to River Plumes? Frontiers in Marine Science, Online publication |
OSF Programme | Yajuan Song, Qi Shu, Ying Bao, Xiaodan Yang and Zhenya Song, 2021: The Short-Term Climate Prediction System FIO-CPS v2.0 and its Prediction Skill in ENSO Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 759339 |
2020 Top | |
COSS-TT | Arnold A, H Lewis, P Hyder,J Siddorn, E O’Dea, 2020: The Sensitivity of British Weather to Ocean Tides GRL, 48 |
IV-TT | Chaewook Lim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Seung-Buhm Woo, Minsu Joh, Jooneun An, and Il-Ju Moon, 2020: Performance Comparisons on Parallel Optimization of Atmospheric and Ocean Numerical Circulation Models Using KISTI Supercomputer Nurion System, Applied Sciences, 10(8), 2883 |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Lotliker, A. A., Gupta, G. V. M., Narayanan Nampoothiri S, V., Paul, A., Ghosh, J., … & Samanta, A., 2020: Assessment of an ocean-ecosystem model in simulating the Indian coastal marine ecosystem dynamics Journal of Operational Oceanography |
DA-TT | Cheng S., Aydoğdu A., Rampal P., Carrassi A., Bertino L., 2020: Probabilistic Forecasts of Sea Ice Trajectories in the Arctic: Impact of Uncertainties in Surface Wind and Ice Cohesion, MDPI Oceans, 1(4), 326-342 |
DA-TT, IV-TT | Cipollone, A., A. Storto, and S. Masina, 2020: Implementing a Parallel Version of a Variational Scheme in a Global Assimilation System at Eddy-Resolving Resolution, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 37(10), 1865-1876. |
MEAP-TT | Crear, D.P., B.E. Watkins, M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, K.C. Weng, 2020: Estimating shifts in phenology and habitat use of cobia in Chesapeake Bay under climate change, Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 7:579135 |
MEAP-TT | Crear, D.P., R.J. Latour, M.A.M. Friedrichs, P. St-Laurent, K.C. Weng, , 2020: Climate sensitivity of a shark nursery habitat, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 652, 123-136 |
IV-TT, Met Office (regional) FOAM system | Crocker, R., Maksymczuk, J., Mittermaier, M., Tonani, M., and Pequignet, C, 2020: An approach to the verification of high-resolution ocean models using spatial methods, Ocean Science, 16, 831–845 |
OS-Eval TT | Dorfschäfer, G. S., C. A. S. Tanajura, F. B. Costa, R. C. Santana, 2020: A new approach for estimating salinity in the Southwest Atlantic and its application in a data assimilation evaluation experiment Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125 |
COSS-TT | Durski, S. M., Kurapov, A. L., 2020: A high-resolution coupled ice-ocean model of winter circulation on the Bering Sea shelf. Part II: Polynyas and shelf salinity distribution, Ocean Modelling, 156, 101696 |
COSS-TT | Fearon, G., Herbette, S., Veitch, J.,Cambon, G., Lucas, A. J., Lemarié, F., &Vichi, M., 2020: Enhanced vertical mixing in coastal upwelling systems driven by diurnal‐inertial resonance: Numerical experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125 (9) |
COSS-TT | Federico, I., Pinardi, N., Lyubartsev, V.,Maicu, F., Causio, S., Trotta, F., et al., 2020: Observational evidence of the basin‐wide gyre reversal in the Gulf of Taranto. Geophysical Research Letters, , 47, e2020GL091030 |
MEAP-TT, DA-TT | Ford, D. A., 2020: Assessing the role and consistency of satellite observation products in global physical-biogeochemical ocean reanalysis, Ocean Science, 16, 875-893 |
OS-Eval TT | Gasparin, F., Hamon, M., Rémy, E., & Le Traon, P. Y., 2020: How deep Argo will improve the deep ocean in an ocean reanalysis Journal of Climate, vol. 33, no 1, p 77-94 |
SST | Good S, Fiedler E, Mao C, Martin MJ, Maycock A, Reid R, Roberts-Jones J, Searle T, Waters J, While J, Worsfold M, 2020: The Current Configuration of the OSTIA System for Operational Production of Foundation Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Concentration Analyses, Remote Sensing, 12 (4), 720 |
COSS-TT | Haid, V., E. V. Stanev, J. Pein, J. Staneva and W. Chen, 2020: Secondary circulation in shallow ocean straits: Observations and numerical modeling of the Danish Straits Ocean Modelling, 148, |
OS-Eval TT | Halliwell, Jr., G. R., G. J. Goni, M. Mehari, V. H. Kourafalou, M. Baringer, and R. Atlas, 2020: OSSE Assessment of Underwater Glider Arrays to Improve Ocean Model Initialization for Tropical Cyclone Prediction, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 37(3), pp.467-487 |
COSS-TT | Horwitz, R. M., S. Taylor, Y. Lu, J.-P. Paquin, D. Schillinger, and D. Greenberg, 2020: Rapid reduction of tidal amplitude due to form drag in a narrow channel Continental Shelf Research, |
DA-TT, ROMS | Levin, J., H. Arango, B. Laughlin, E. Hunter, J. Wilkin, A. Moore, 2020: Observation impacts on the Mid-Atlantic Bight front and cross-shelf transport in 4D-Var ocean state estimates: Part I—Multiplatform analysis, Ocean Modelling, Vol 156, online publication |
COSS-TT | Li, R., Y. Lu, X. Hu, D. Guo, P. Zhao, N. Wang, K. Lee and B. Zhang, 2020: Space-time variations of sea-ice in Bohai Sea in the winter of 2009-2010 simulated with a coupled ocean and ice model Journal of Oceanography, |
COSS-TT | Liubartseva, S., Smaoui, M., Coppini, G., (…), Cretì, S., Federico, I. , 2020: Model-based reconstruction of the Ulysse-Virginia oil spill, October–November 2018 Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 154 |
OS-Eval TT, Met Office FOAM system | Mao, C., R. King, R.A. Reid, M.J. Martin and S. Good, 2020: Assessing the Potential Impact of An Expanded Argo Array in An Operational Ocean Analysis System, Front. Mar. Sci., Online publication |
OS-Eval TT, Met Office FOAM system and Mercator Ocean system | Martin, M. J., E. Remy, B. Tranchant, R. R. King, E. Greiner & C. Donlon, 2020: Observation impact statement on satellite sea surface salinity data from two operational global ocean forecasting systems, Journal of Operational Oceanography, Online publication |
COSS-TT | Meyerjürgens, J., Ricker, M., Schakau, V., Badewien, T. H., & Stanev, E. V., 2020: Relative dispersion of surface drifters in the North Sea: The effect of tides on mesoscale diffusivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, e2019JC015925, |
DA-TT, ROMS | Moore, A., J. Zavala-Garay, H. Arango, C. Edwards, J. Anderson, T. Hoar, 2020: Regional and basin scale applications of ensemble adjustment Kalman filter and 4D-Var ocean data assimilation systems, Progress in Oceanography, Vol 189, online publication |
COSS-TT | Nudds, S., Y. Lu, S. Higginson, S. P. Haigh, J.-P. Paquin, M. O’Flaherty-Sproul, S. Taylor, H. Blanken, G. Marcotte, G. C. Smith, N. Bernier, P. MacAulay, Y. Wu, L. Zhai, X. Hu, J. Chanut, M. Dunphy, F. Dupont, D. Greenberg, F. J. M. Davidson, and F. Page , 2020: Evaluation of structured and unstructured models for application in operational ocean forecasting in nearshore waters Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, |
COSS-TT | O’Dea E, M J. Bell, A Coward, J Holt,, 2020: Implementation and assessment of a flux limiter based wetting and drying scheme in NEMO Ocean Modelling, 155 |
COSS-TT | Osadchiev, A. A., D. I. Frey, S. A. Shchuka, N. D. Tilinina, E. G. Morozov, P.O.Zavialov, 2020: Structure of the Freshened Surface Layer in the Kara Sea During Ice-Free Periods, Journal of Geophysical Research : Oceans, 126, online publication |
COSS-TT, DA-TT | Pasmans, I., Kurapov, A. L., Barth, J. A., Kosro, P. M., and Shearman, R. K., 2020: Ensemble 4DVAR (En4DVar) data assimilation in a coastal ocean circulation model. Part II: Implementation offshore Oregon–Washington, USA, Ocean Modelling, 154, 101681 |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection II | Pavanathara Augustine Francis, Abraham Kaduvathazham Jithin, Abhisek Chatterjee, Arnab Mukherjee, Doraiswamy Shankar, Puthenveettil Narayanamenon Vinayachandran & Surireddi Satya Venkata Siva Ramakrishna, 2020: Structure and dynamics of undercurrents in the western boundary current of the Bay of Bengal, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 70, pages 387–404 (2020) |
SST | Reid R, Good S, Martin MJ, 2020: Use of Uncertainty Inflation in OSTIA to Account for Correlated Errors in Satellite-Retrieved Sea Surface Temperature Data, Remote Sensing, 12 (7), 1083 |
COSS-TT | Ricker, M., Stanev, E. V., Badewien, T. H., Freund, H., Meyerjürgens, J., Wolff, J.-O., & Zielinski, O., 2020: Drifter observations and Lagrangian tracking of the 2018 easterly wind event in the North Sea Journal of Operational Oceanography, 13(sup1), s155–s160., |
COSS-TT | Ricker, M., & Stanev, E. V., 2020: Circulation of the European northwest shelf: a Lagrangian perspective. Ocean Science, 16(3), 637–655, |
COSS-TT | Rulent, J., Calafat, F.M., Banks, C.J., Bricheno, L.M., Gommenginger, C., Green, J.M., Haigh, I.D., Lewis, H. and Martin, A.C., 2020: Comparing water level estimation in coastal and shelf seas from satellite altimetry and numerical models. Frontiers in Marine Science,7, p.549467 |
COSS-TT | Saçu, Ş., Erdik, T., Stanev, E.V, Erdik, J.D., Öztürk, İ., 2020: Hydrodynamics of Canal Istanbul and its impact in the northern Sea of Marmara under extreme conditions Ocean Dynamics, |
OS-Eval TT | Santana, R., F. B. Costa, D. Mignac, A. N. Santana, V. R. S. Vidal, J. Zhu, C .A. S. Tanajura, 2020: Model sensitivity experiments on data assimilation, downscaling and tides for the representation of the Cape São Tomé Eddies Ocean Dynamics, 70, 77–94 |
MEAP-TT, Met Office FOAM system | Skákala, J., Bruggeman, J., Brewin, R. J. W., Ciavatta, S., and Ford, D. A., 2020: Improved representation of underwater light field and its impact on ecosystem dynamics: a study in the North Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016122 |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection II | Stanev, Emil Vassilev & Marcel Ricker, 2020: Interactions between barotropic tides and mesoscale processes in deep ocean and shelf regions, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 70, pages713–728 (2020) |
DA-TT | Storto A., Falchetti S., Oddo P., Jiang Y.-M., Tesei A., 2020: Assessing the Impact of Different Ocean Analysis Schemes On Oceanic and Underwater Acoustic Predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015636 |
OS-Eval TT | Tanajura, C. A. S., D. Mignac, A. N. Santana, F. B. Costa, L. N. Lima, K. P. Belyaev, J. Zhu , 2020: Observing system experiments over the Atlantic Ocean with the REMO ocean data assimilation system (RODAS) into HYCOM Ocean Dynamics, 70, 115–138 |
COSS-TT | Thewes D, Stanev EV and Zielinski O, 2020: Sensitivity of a 3D Shelf Sea Ecosystem Model to Parameterizations of the Underwater Light Field Front. Mar. Sci. 6:816., |
COSS-TT | Tianran Liu, Naoki Hirose, Hiroshi Yamada, Yasuyuki Ikegami, 2020: Estimation of ocean thermal energy potential in the Aguni Basin, Applied Ocean Research, 101, 102185 |
COSS-TT, DA-TT, JMA System | Usui, N., K. Ogawa, K. Sakamoto, H. Tsujino, G. Yamanaka, T. Kuragano, and M. Kamachi, 2020: Unusually high sea level at the south coast of Japan in September 2011 induced by the Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography, 77, 447-461 |
MEAP-TT | Wang, B., Fennel, K., Yu, L., and Gordon, C., 2020: Assessing the value of biogeochemical Argo profiles versus ocean color observations for biogeochemical model optimization in the Gulf of Mexico Biogeosciences |
COSS-TT | Wang, Y., J. Sheng, and Y. Lu, 2020: Examining tidal impact on seasonal circulation variability over the eastern Canadian shelf using a coupled circulation-ice regional model Progress in Oceanography , |
OS-Eval TT | Xie J, M De Vos, L Bertino, J Zhu, F Counillon, 2020: Impact of assimilating altimeter data on eddy characteristics in the South China Sea Ocean Modeling, 155, 101704 |
IV-TT | Yeon S. Changa, Jae-Youll Jina, Jin Yong Choia, Weon Mu Jeonga, Sang Kwon Hyunb, Chang Soo Chunga, Jong Dae Doa, 2020: Three dimensional numerical modeling using a multi-level nesting system for identifying a Water layer suitable for scallop farming in Tongyeong, Korea, Aquacultural Engineering, 89, 102058 |
MEAP-TT | Zhang, H., Fennel, K., Laurent, A., and Bian, C., 2020: A numerical model study of the main factors contributing to hypoxia and its interannual and short-term variability in the East China Sea Biogeosciences |
COSS-TT | Zhang, Z., Stanev, E. V., & Grayek, S., 2020: Reconstruction of the basin-wide sea-level variability in the North Sea using coastal data and generative adversarial networks. Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016402. |
2019 Top | |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Aguiar, Eva, Baptiste Mourre, Mélanie Juza, Emma Reyes, Jaime Hernández-Lasheras, Eugenio Cutolo, Evan Mason & Joaquín Tintoré, 2019: Multi-platform model assessment in the Western Mediterranean Sea: impact of downscaling on the surface circulation and mesoscale activity, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 70, pages 273–288 (2020) |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Kumar, N., Girishkumar, M. S., Gupta, G. V. M., Ghosh, J., Udaya Bhaskar, T. V. S., & Thangaprakash, V. P., 2019: Assessment of the impact of spatial resolution on ROMS simulated upper-ocean biogeochemistry of the Arabian Sea from an operational perspective Journal of Operational Oceanography |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Maity, S., Lotliker, A. A., Samanta, A., Ghosh, J., Masuluri, N. K., … & Bright, R. P., 2019: Modelling of marine ecosystem in regional scale for short term prediction of satellite-aided operational fishery advisories Journal of Operational Oceanography |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | De Freitas, Pedro Paulo, Felipe de Luca Lopes Amorim, Guilherme Nogueira Mill, Vladimir Santos da Costa, Mariela Gabioux, Mauro Cirano & Afonso de Moraes Paiva, 2019: Observations of near-inertial oscillations along the Brazilian continental shelf break, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 69, pages 1203–1215 (2019) |
MEAP-TT, OceanObs19 | Fennel, K., M. Gehlen, P. Brasseur, C.W. Brown, S. Ciavatta, G. Cossarini, A.M. Crise, C. Edwards, D. Ford, M.A.M. Friedrichs, M. Gregoire, E. Jones, H.-C. Kim, J. Lamouroux, R. Murtugudde and C. Perruche, 2019: Advancing marine biogeochemical and ecosystem reanalyses and forecasts as tools for monitoring and managing ecosystem health, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:89 https://doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00089 |
OS-Eval TT, OceanObs19 | Fujii, Y., E. Rémy, H. Zuo, P. Oke, G. Halliwell, F. Gasparin, M. Benkiran, N. Loose, J. Cummings, J. Xie, Y. Xue, S. Masuda, G. C. Smith, M. Balmaseda, C. Germineaud, D. J. Lea, G. Larnicol, L. Bertino, A. Bonaduce, P. Brasseur, C. Donlon, P. Heimbach, Y. Kim, V. Kourafalou, P.-Y. Le Traon, M. Martin, S. Paturi, B. Tranchant, and N. Usui, 2019: Observing System Evaluation Based on Ocean Data Assimilation and Prediction Systems: On-Going Challenges and a Future Vision for Designing and Supporting Ocean Observational Networks, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 417. |
OS-Eval TT | Gasparin, F., Guinehut, S., Mao, C., Mirouze, I., Rémy, E., King, R. R., & Masina, S., 2019: Requirements for an integrated in situ Atlantic Ocean observing system from coordinated observing system simulation experiments Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 83 |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Goodliff, Michael , Bruening, Fabian Schwichtenberg, Xin Li, Anja Lindenthal, Ina Lorkowski & Lars Nerger, 2019: Temperature assimilation into a coastal ocean-biogeochemical model: assessment of weakly and strongly coupled data assimilation, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 69, pages1217–1237 (2019) |
OS-Eval TT | Hamon, M., Greiner, E., Le Traon, P.Y., Remy, E.,, 2019: Impact of multiple altimeter data and mean dynamic topography in a global analysis and forecasting system J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 0236.1 |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Hirose, Nariaki , Norihisa Usui, Kei Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Goro Yamanaka, Hideyuki Nakano, Shogo Urakawa, Takahiro Toyoda, Yosuke Fujii & Nadao Kohno, 2019: Development of a new operational system for monitoring and forecasting coastal and open-ocean states around Japan, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 69, pages 1333–1357 (2019) |
COSS-TT | Hole, L. R., Dagestad, K. F., Röhrs, J., Wettre, C., Kourafalou, V. H., Androulidakis, Y., Kang, H., Le Henaff, M. and Garcia-Pineda, O., 2019: The DeepWater Horizon oil slick: simulations of river front effects and oil droplet size distribution. Journal of marine science and engineering, 7(10), p.329 |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Marta-Almeida, Martinho, Guilherme C. Lessa, Alessandro L. Aguiar, Fabiola N. Amorim & Mauro Cirano, 2019: Realistic modelling of shelf-estuary regions, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 69, pages 1311–1331 (2019) |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Paquin, Jean-Philippe, Youyu Lu, Stephanne Taylor, Hauke Blanken, Guillaume Marcotte, Xianmin Hu, Li Zhai, Simon Higginson, Shannon Nudds, Jérôme Chanut, Gregory C. Smith, Natacha Bernier & Frédéric Dupont, 2019: High-resolution modelling of a coastal harbour in the presence of strong tides and significant river runoff, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 70, pages 365–385 (2020) |
COSS-TT, Topical Collection | Sakamoto, Kei, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Hideyuki Nakano, Shogo Urakawa, Takahiro Toyoda, Nariaki Hirose, Norihisa Usui & Goro Yamanaka, 2019: Development of a 2-km resolution ocean model covering the coastal seas around Japan for operational application, Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science supported by the GODAE OceanView Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) – Part II; Ocean Dynamics, vol 69, pages 1181–1202 (2019) |
2018 Top | |
MEAP-TT | Chakraborty, K., Valsala, V., Gupta, G. V. M., & Sarma, V. V. S. S., 2018: Dominant biological control over upwelling on pCO2 in sea east of Sri Lanka Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences |
Accepted Top | |
N/A |