OPST – 3, Dec 2020

3rd Annual Meeting of the OceanPredict Science Team (OPST-3)
7, 8 and 10 December 2020
Where: | Online, GoTo meeting |
When: | 7, 8 and 10 December 2020 |
Duration: | 3 days |
Organisers: | Eric Chassignet (FSU) Fraser Davidson (DFO) PN Vinayachandran (Indian Institute of Science) Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office) |
Announcement | N/A |
- Members of the OceanPredict Science Team (OPST)
- Members of the OceanPredict Advisory Board (OPAS)
- Invited guests
Fraser Davidson, OPST co-chair
Eric Chassignet, OPST co-chair
PN Vinayachandran, OPST co-chair
Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, OP Programme Office
Links to previous meetings of the OPST/GOVST can be found on the GODAE OceanView website
OPST-3 agenda
The full OPST-3 meeting agenda can be downloaded from the document section.
Topics | Description | Communication / presentations | Length | Day |
1. Meeting objectives & overview | – Meeting objectives – Action/activity review, on what was done in the past 6 months |
Oral presentations & discussions | 5 min (day 1) 10 min (day 1) |
Day 1 |
2. UN Decade of Ocean Science /OP programme plan review | – Review of the OP / UN Decade programme plan | Presentation from OP co-chairs & discussion | 20 min (day 1) 30 min (day 3) |
Day 1 & Day 3 |
3. Contributions to the UN Decade Programme Plan | OP activities supporting the programmes / possible complementing UN Decade projects | Presentations from OP members & discussions | 55 min (day 1)
90 min (day 2) |
Day 1 & Day 2 |
4. Future | Where is OP going?
Question/ ideas / /concerns |
Discussion | 50 min (day 3) | Day 3 |
5. AOB | Any other business | Discussion | 10 min (day 3) | Day 3 |
Attendance list (collated from all 3 meeting days)
Total participation – 33 attendees over 3 days
Co-chairs (3): | Eric Chassignet, FSU, USA |
Fraser Davidson, DFO, Canada | |
PN Vinayachandran | |
OPST members (21): | Laurent Bertino, NERSC, Norway |
Do-Seong Byun, KHOA, South Korea | |
Abhisek Chatterjee, INCOIS, India | |
Stefano Ciavatta, PML, UK | |
Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, CNRS/LEGOS, France | |
Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University, Canada | |
Yosuke Fujii, MRI/JMA, Japan | |
Chris Harris, Met Office, UK | |
Patrick Heimbach, MIT, USA | |
Fabrice Hernandez, Mercator Ocean, France | |
Pat Hogan, NRL, USA | |
Guimei Liu, NMEFC, China | |
Villy Kourafalou, University of Miami, USA | |
Matt Martin, Met Office, UK | |
Avichal Mehra, NOAA, USA | |
Kristian Mogensen, ECMWF, UK | |
Andrew Moore, UCSC, USA | |
Gregory Smith, ECCC, Canada | |
Clemente Tanajura, UFBA, Brazil | |
Elisabeth Remy, Mercator Ocean, France | |
Andreas Schiller, CSIRO, Australia | |
OPAS members (5): | Eric Bayler, NOAA/NESDIS, USA |
Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, USA | |
Mikhail Entel, BoM, Australia | |
Pierre Bahurel, MIO | |
Hendrik Tolman, NOAA/NCEP, USA | |
Guests (3): | Enrique Alvarez, Puertos del Estado |
Laura Bastide, MOI | |
Alison Clausen, UNESCO/IOC | |
Albert Fischer, UNESCO/IOC/GOOS |
OPST-3 presentations
Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
Overview presentation of OceanPredict national systems (1-2 slides per system) | (NMEFC , China; CONCEPTS, Canada; ECMWF,UK; FOAM, UK; INCOIS, India; MRI/JMA, Japan; KHOA/KIOST, South Korea; REMO, Brazil; TOPAZ, NOrway; RTOFS, USA; MOI/CMEMS, France; MFS, Italy; BlueLink, Australia) | See presenters |
The Ocean Decade Implementation & Overview of Call for Decade Actions | Alison Clausen | IOC |
CoastPredict programme introduction | Villy Kourafalou | University of Miami/ RSMAS |
COSS-TT – CoastPredict plans | Villy Kourafalou and Pierre De Mey-Frémaux | University of Miami / RSMAS and LEGOS/CNRS |
OS-Eval TT overview and SynObs project plans | Yosuke Fujii and Elisabeth Remy | JMA-MRI and MOi |
OceanPredict – UN Decade programme plans | Eric Chassignet, Fraser Davidson and PN Vinayachandran | FSU, DFO and Indian Institute of Science |
OPST-3 Meeting Report is in progress and will be published in due course.