OPEC meeting (2) – Feb 2024

The OceanPredict Executive Committee (OPEC) is responsible for decision making, organisation of activities and identification of collaboration opportunities with partner organisations (includes OPST, OPOS-WG and TT co-chairs).
- OPEC meeting (2)
- 29 February 2024, Online (MS Teams)
- 12:00 – 13:00 (UTC)
- Discuss actions from last meeting (KWB/SC)
- TT presentations overview from the each TTs (3-5 min each), including questions for the OPEC and whether the TT needs support with anything. (TT co-chairs)
- ForeSea
- Eric C to provide current status
- OPOS-WG involvement (possible new project on OP-DCC architecture) – plus class 4 metrics sustainability approach D Ford and F Davidson to lead
- Discussion
- OP newsletter (if we have time)
- Any other business (AOB)
No | Name | Name | Affiliation | Country |
1 | Santha | Akella | NASA | USA |
2 | Eric | Bayler | NOAA | USA |
3 | Stephanie | Cuven | MOi | France |
4 | Fraser | Davidson | ECCC | Canada |
5 | Pierre | De Mey-Frémaux | LEGOS | France |
6 | Marie | Drevillon | MOi | France |
7 | David | Ford | Met Office | UK |
8 | Yosuke | Fujii | MRI-JMA | Japan |
9 | Pierre-Yves | Le Traon | MOi | France |
10 | Matthew | Martin | Met Office | UK |
11 | Kristian | Mogensen | ECMWF | UK/Europe |
12 | Elisabeth | Remy | MOi | France |
13 | Gregory | Smith | ECCC | Canada |
14 | Ann Kristin | Sperrevik | Met.no | Norway |
15 | PN | Vinayachandran | Indian Institute of Science | India |
16 | Kirsten | Wilmer-Becker | Met Office | UK |
17 | Liuqian | Yu | UST | China |