MEAP-TT online seminar (11) – 5 June 2024

The MEAP Task Team is focused on developing the underpinning science and tools that will further the integration of biogeochemical and ecosystem models into existing ocean operational systems. The Task Team’s mission is to advocate for an expansion of the ocean observing system with respect to biogeochemical and biological properties, to support method development for the assimilation and modelling of Essential Biogeochemical Variables (EBV), to exchange of scientific advances and transfer of capabilities between academic and operational centres of expertise, and to help bridge the gap with end-users.
- MEAP-TT Online seminar (11)
- 5 June 2024, Online (MS Teams)
- 12:00 – 13:00 (UTC)
- Welcome (Stefano & Liuqian)
- Science talk: Using synthetic observations to inform sampling strategies of ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and biology (Cara Nissen, University of Colorado Boulder)
- MEAP-TT in-person meeting 2024 in Plymouth, July 12 (all)
- News on Outreach activities (all)
- AOBs ( all)
No | First name | Last name | Affiliation |
1 | Kunal | Chakraborty | INCOIS |
2 | Stefano | Ciavatta | MOi (MEAP-TT co-chair) |
3 | Marjy | Friedrichs | VIMS |
4 | Elodie | Gutknecht | MOi |
5 | Julien | Lamouroux | MOi |
6 | Patrick | Lehodey | MOi |
7 | Alexandre | Mignot | MOi |
8 | Cara | Nissen | University of Boulder, Colorado (invited speaker) |
9 | Coralie | Perruche | MOi |
10 | Helen | Powley | PML |
11 | Andrea | Rochner | Met Office |
12 | Kirsten | Wilmer-Becker | Met Office |
13 | Liuqian | Yu | UST (MEAP-TT co-chair) |
- Science talk: Using synthetic observations to inform sampling strategies of ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and biology, Cara Nissen, University of Colorado Boulder
This MEAP-TT seminar presentation is only open to attendees of the MEAP-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password. Please contact the OP programme office for information.
MEAP-TT meeting recordings are only open to attendees of the MEAP-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password. Please contact the OP programme office for information.