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MEAP-TT online meeting (3), June 2021

The main topic of the meeting will be “Ensemble generation and evaluation“.

Pierre Brasseur will kindly give a talk/review on methods applied by the ocean modelling and DA community (with a focus on biogeochemical applications) and some perspectives on this topic.

Chris Edwards and Paul Mattern will help to steer the discussion with some slides on their experience.


Link to the MEAP-TT pages

  • Task Team meeting
  • 10 June 2021, Online (MS Teams) by invitation
  • 16:00 – 17:30 (UTC)
  • Welcome (Katja and Stefano)
  • Intro to “Ensemble generation and evaluation” topic (Chris and Paul, ~10 minutes)
  • Science talk “Ensemble generation and evaluation for monitoring and forecasting the Green Ocean” (Pierre, ~20  minutes)
  • Round of 1-slides (MEAP members: max 2 minutes each)
  • Discussion (~30 minutes)
  • AOBs


MEAP-TT attendees

(3rd online meeting)
10 June 2021

No First name Surname Affiliation
1 Pierre Brasseur CNRS/IGE
2 Marine Bretagnon ACRI-ST
3 Chris Brown NOAA
4 Arthur Capet University of Liege
5 Thierry Carval Ifremer
6 Fei Chai University of Maine
7 Kunal Chakraborty INCOIS
8 Trang Chau LSCE/IPSL
9 Stefano Ciavatta PML
10 Paul DiGiacomo NOAA
11 Wibke Duesterhoeft-Wriggers BSH
12 Christopher Edwards UCSC
13 Katja Fennel Dalhousie University
14 Marjy Friedrichs Virginia Institute of Marine Science
15 Marilaure Grégoire University of Liege
16 Stéphanie Guinehut CLS Group
17 Elodie Gutknecht Mercator Ocean international
18 Hae-Cheol Kim NOAA
19 Julien Lamouroux Mercator Ocean international
20 Paul Mattern UCSC
21 Alexandre Mignot Mercator Ocean international
22 Coralie Perruche Mercator Ocean international
23 Annette Samuelsen NERSC
24 Raphaëlle Sauzède Institut de la mer de Villefranche
25 Anna Teruzzi OGS
26 Kostas Tsiaras HC
27 Luc Vandenbulcke University of Liege
28 Tsuyoshi Wakamatsu NERSC
29 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker Met Office


3rd MEAP-TT online meeting presentations

10 June 2021

Title Presenter Affiliation Role
MEAP-TT members-overview-slides (on ensemble generation) Stefano Ciavatta PML MEAP-TT co-chair
Ensemble generation and evaluation Jann Paul Mattern UCSC MEAP-TT member
Ensemble generation and evaluation for monitoring and forecasting the Green Ocean Pierre Brasseur CNRS/IGE MEAP-TT member

MEAP-TT meeting recordings are only open to attendees of the MEAP-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password. Please contact the OP programme office for information.
