CP-TT members’ meeting – May 2024

The CP-TT will better link coupled (ocean) modelling, predictions, and operational implementation. An important element of the task team is to coordinate projects that would enhance sharing of knowledge and information across different OceanPredict Systems and task team member organization.
- 31 May 2024
- 13:00 – 14:00 (UTC)
- MS Teams, virtual meeting
No | First name | Last name | Affiliation |
1 | Santha | Akella | NASA |
2 | Shoji | Hirahara | MRI-JMA |
3 | Kristian | Mogensen | ECMWF |
4 | Sophia | Moreton | Met Office |
5 | Drew | Petersen | ECCC |
6 | Hal | Richie | ECCC |
7 | Jonah | Roberts-Jones | Met Office |
8 | Guillaume | Samson | MOi (for Yann Drillet) |
9 | Yuhai | Takaya | JMA |
CP-TT meeting recordings are only open to attendees of the CP-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password. Please contact the OP programme office for information.