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OP ’24 Symposium planning meetings

The second OceanPredict (OP) Symposium will be held at IOC HQ in Paris from 18-22 Nov 2024. It is planned as a four-day event (Monday to Thursday), allowing for some OP internal business to take place on the last day of that week.

The overarching theme of OP’24 will be “Advancing ocean prediction science for societal benefit”. It invites ocean and atmospheric scientists, observation specialists, industry representatives, service providers and users of ocean data & products from across the international operational oceanography community to engage in science sessions, exhibitions and discussions to explore and define the direction of operational oceanography. Especially welcome are representatives from the service provider and end-user community, to exhibit their work and products, and to engage with the science community. Also very much encouraged to attend are early career scientists, students and representatives from emerging economies.

Planning meetings of he OP ’24 Symposium are listed below.

Local Organising Committee meetings
  • 4 Dec 2023: LOC meeting – rooms, catering, funding
  • 17 Jan 2023: LOC meeting – venue, symposium strategy, funding
Science Committee meetings
  • (11) 6 June 2024: SC meeting – programme. keynote speaker invitations, training organisation
  • (10) 7 May 2024: SC meeting – keynote speaker finalisation and ToR, convener confirmation, first abstract submissions
  • (9) 10 April 2024: SC meeting – keynote speaker confirmation, website and abstract submissions
  • (8) 13 Mar 2024: SC meeting – first programme schedule and website
  • (7) 14 Feb 2024: SC meeting – key speakers, schedule and website
  • (6) 17 Jan 2024 : SC meeting – final discussion on themes, initiation of key speaker invitations, date agreement
  • (5) 20 Dec 2023 : SC meeting – themes details
  • (4) 22 Nov 2023: SC meeting – themes discussion
  • (3) 19 Oct 2023: SC meeting – save the date, science programme design, special issue
  • (2) 25 Sep 2023: SC meeting – organisational update (rooms), TT involvement
  • (1) 10 Aug 2023: SC meeting – OP ’24 strategy and structure

(more details below)

Meeting – Science Committee (SC) Date Attendance Notes Recording
11th OP ’24 SC meeting 6 June 2024 Attendees Minutes Recording
10th OP ’24 SC meeting 7 May 2024 Attendees Minutes Recording
9th OP ’24 SC meeting 10 Apr 2024 Attendees Minutes Recording
8th OP ’24 SC meeting 13 Mar 2024   Minutes Recording
7th OP ’24 SC meeting 14 Feb 2024   Minutes Recording
6th OP ’24 SC meeting 17 Jan 2024   Minutes Recording
5th OP ’24 SC meeting 20 Dec 2023   Minutes Recording
4th OP ’24 SC meeting 22 Nov 2023   Minutes OP24-meeting-4-22Nov23.mp4
3rd OP ’24 SC meeting 19 Oct 2023   Minutes OP24-meeting-3-19Oct23.mp4
2nd OP ’24 SC meeting 25 Sep 2023   Minutes 25Sep23-meeting-recording
1st OP ’24 science committee meeting 10 Aug 2023   10Aug23-meeting notes 10Aug23-meeting-recording
