CP-TT online meeting (2), June 2022

The CP-TT is being re-organized to better link coupled (ocean) modelling, predictions, and operational implementation. An important element of the re-organisation is to coordinate projects that would enhance sharing of knowledge and information across different OceanPredict Systems and task team member organization.
- 27 June 2022
- 14:00 – 15:30 (UTC) (15:00 – 16:30 BST, 10:00 – 11:30 EDT)
- MS Teams, virtual meeting
Members for the CP-TT and invited guests
First name | Surname | Affiliation | Role |
Santha | Akella | NASA | CP-TT co-chair |
Philip | Browne | ECMWF | CP-TT member |
Eric | Chassignet | FSU | CP-TT member |
Chris | Harris | Met Office | CP-TT co-chair |
Pat | Hogan | NOAA | CP-TT member |
Kristian | Mogensen | ECMWF | CP-TT co-chair |
Hal | Ritichie | ECCC | CP-TT member |
Greg | Smith | ECCC | CP-TT member |
Yuhei | Takaya | JMA | CP-TT member |
Kirsten | Wilmer-Becker | Met Office | OP coordinator |
CP-TT meeting recordings are only open to attendees of the CP-TT meeting. To access the recordings you require a password. Please contact the OP programme office for information.