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Invitation to contribute to “Frontiers Research Topics” on

Demonstrating Observation Impacts for the Ocean and Coupled Prediction (link)

Please contact the topic authors (Yosuke Fujii, Elisabeth Remy or Peter Oke) for information. Manuscript submission is open until 1 July 2024. Please find out more by visiting:

SynObs original proposal

SynObs as a project of ForeSea was submitted to the UN Decade second call for action in Jan 2022.


The submission document includes details on

  • project partners and supporting organisations
  • project objectives
  • planned project activities and expected outcomes
  • and more …

SynObs flagship OSE/OSSE


SynObs Kick-off workshop

 KICK-OFF Workshop summary



July 2023 ー Jun 2024


  • Balmaseda, M. A., R. McAdam, S. Masina, M. Mayer, R. Senan, E. De Boisseson, and S. Gualdi, 2024:  Skill Assessment of Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Variables. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
  • Du, D., Subramanian, A.C., Han, W., Wei, H.H., Sarojini, B.B., Balmaseda, M. and Vitart, F., 2023: Assessing the Impact of Ocean In Situ Observations on MJO Propagation Across the Maritime Continent in ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(2), p.e2022MS003044.
  • Fujii et al., 2023: SynObs Flagship OSEs Guideline Version 1, published from the OceanPredict website, 25pp. SynObs_FlagshipOSE_Guideline_Ver1.pdf (
  • Gasparin, F., Lellouche, J. M., Cravatte, S. E., Ruggiero, G., Rohith, B., Le Traon, P. Y., & Remy, E., 2023. On the control of spatial and temporal oceanic scales by existing and future observing systems: An observing system simulation experiment approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1021650.
  • Hackert, E., S. Akella, L. Ren, K. Nakada, J. A. Carton, and A. Molod, 2023: Impact of the TAO/TRITON Array on Reanalyses and Predictions of the 2015 El Niño, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(11), e2023JC020039,
  • Kerry, C., M. Roughan, and J. M. A. C. de Souza, 2024: Assessing the impact of subsurface temperature observations from fishing vessels on temperature and heat content estimates in shelf seas: a New Zealand case study using Observing System Simulation Experiments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
  • Paul. B., B. Baduru, and A. Paul, 2024: A study of forecast sensitivity to observations in the Bay of Bengal using LETKF. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
  • Rahman, R and Rahaman, H., 2024: Impact of bathymetry on Indian Ocean circulation in a nested regional ocean model. Sci Rep 14, 8008.
  • Samir Pokhrel, Hasibur Rahaman, Subodh Kumar Saha, Hemantkumar Chaudhari, Anupam Hazra, M. Ravichandran, 2024: Role of Improved Ocean Initial State in the Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon: A Case Study. Ocean-Land-Atmos Res. 2024;3:0034.
  • Smith, G. C., C. Hébert-Pinard, A.-A. Gauthier, F. Roy, K. A. Peterson, P. Veillard, Y. Faugère, S. Mulet, and M. M. Maqueda, 2024:  Impact of Assimilation of Absolute Dynamic Topography on Arctic Ocean Circulation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
July 2022 ー Jun 2023
  • Chang I, Kim YH, Jin H, Park Y-G, Pak G and Chang Y-S, 2023: Impact of satellite and regional in-situ profile data assimilation on a high-resolution ocean prediction system in the Northwest Pacific. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1085542. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1085542
  • Cucurull, L., D, Menemenlis, D. Du, K. Q. Zhang, S. Akella, E. Remy, K. Wilmer-Becker, S. Masuda, G. Yamanaka, Y. Takaya, and Y. Fujii, 2023: Joint workshop of the OS-Eval TT and CP-TT and SynObs Kick-Off. Workshop Summary. OceanPredict Programme Office.
  • Ford, D. et al., 2022: A solution for autonomous, adaptive monitoring of coastal ocean ecosystems: Integrating ocean robots and operational forecasts. Frontiers in Marine Science.Front. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1067174. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1067174
  • Fowler, A., et al., 2023: Validating and improving the uncertainty assumptions for the assimilation of ocean-colour-derived chlorophyll a into a marine biogeochemistry model of the Northwest European Shelf Seas. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149(750), 300-324.
  • Fujii, Y., 2023: Introduction of Synergistic Observing Network for Ocean Predictions (SynObs), Ocean Newsletter, Ocean Policy Research Institute, Sasagawa Peach Foundation (ISSN 2187-8862), 546,
  • Gasparin F, Lellouche J-M, Cravatte SE, Ruggiero G, Rohith B, Le Traon PY and Rémy E, 2023: On the control of spatial and temporal oceanic scales by existing and future observing systems: An observing system simulation experiment approach. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1021650. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1021650
