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ForeSea – Expected outcomes


Expected outcomes of ForeSea

  1. An operational oceanography information value-chain where verified/certified information and knowledge are exchanged freely and enable all operational oceanographic components, integrated from the open ocean to the coastal areas, to contribute effectively together
  2. A continuously optimized ocean observing system integrated from the open ocean to the coastal areas that provides maximum information benefit with manageable cost.
  3. An ocean information delivery system that provides the right information at the right time for facilitating marine decisions in support of human safety and environmental safety, and an efficient and sustainable blue economy.
  4. Improved extended range forecasting capabilities for ocean prediction systems.
  5. Better assessment and prediction of the ocean state (including reliable uncertainty estimates) and ocean impact on forecasts of other earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, ice, waves, marine ecosystems, estuaries, etc.).
  6. An informed ocean literate society and global economy
  7. Coordinated capacity building across all elements of the operational oceanography value chain to sustain production and delivery of ocean prediction.
  8. Demonstrated impact and value of predictions for coastal communities.
  9. Effective use of ocean prediction technologies for weather and climate predictions


Established connections between OceanPredict with GOOS, WMO, IOC, JCOMM, Argo, GRHSST, GEO, GEO BluePlanet, etc. will facilitate realization of the expected outcomes. This will also be facilitated by collaborations identified with the following proposed UN decade programmes:

  1. The GOOS-supported Integrated System Design UN Decade Programme will coordinate the design and the implementation of observing networks, their interface with the open ocean systems and sets standards for forecasting and predictions at the different scales
  2. CoastPredict will demonstrate the value added of the global ocean analyses and forecasts to the coastal ocean
  3. DITTO will establish and advance a digital framework on which all marine data, modelling and simulation will form a new globally shared capacity to access, manipulate, analyze and visualize marine information.
  4. GEOS – Global Ecosystem for Ocean Solutions will help to use the new scientific knowledge and the ForeSea technology prototypes to advance solutions and involve stakeholder communities
  5. Equisea – Ocean Science Fund for All is dedicated to equitable education dedicated to equitable education that will work in synergy with ForeSea to co-finance and co-implement projects that build the capacity of under-resourced regions to monitor, understand, and predict their coastal ocean
  6. OceanCorps, a unifying concept for inspiring sustained, long-term education and research collaborations between scientists from under-resourced nations and scientists from the US and other higher-resourced nations
