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COSS-TT meeting – June 2025


International coordination meetings of the OceanPredict Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT) gather a broad community of scientists, engineers and experts around presentations and discussion themes in support of coastal ocean forecasting, among which:

  • The observing infrastructure in the coastal seas, its integration with models and with forecasting
  • Coastal ocean modelling and seamless integration with larger-scale estimates
  • The land-ocean continuum: integration of coastal ocean and estuaries/deltas/wetlands, coastal cities
  • Coastal projections and scenarios, coastal vulnerability.

More information on COSS-TT 
“The main goal and central mission of the COSS-TT is to work within OceanPredict towards the provision of a sound scientific and expert basis for sustainable multidisciplinary downscaling and forecasting activities in the world’s regional and coastal oceans.  The strategic goal of the COSS-TT is to help achieve a truly seamless framework from the global to the coastal/littoral scale.  A major contribution is to address the particular challenges on monitoring and forecasting in coastal areas and regional seas, where the majority of human marine activities take place. As these are also the areas of enhanced exploitation of marine resources, the COSS-TT has a mission well aligned with society’s needs and benefits.”


Date and Time

The COSS-TT meeting will be organised on June 2025 within the week of 16-19 June 2025 (tentative dates). It will be hosted by Ifremer in Brest, France.

More precise information on dates will be available later.


The specific scope and special themes of the 2025 Brest meeting will be announced later.

Practical information


The meeting will be hosted by Ifremer at their headquarters in Brest, France. More information about location, venue and accommodation will be made available soon.

Local hosts and organizers

Local hosts: (contacts for practical meeting organization questions)

COSS-TT co-chairs: (contacts for scientific/agenda-related questions)

GOV programme office : (contact for website-related questions)


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