Vision & Mission

Our Vision
A vigorous and strong international coordination mechanism to build the ocean prediction capacity of the future
We envision a strong ocean information value-chain, which provides useful, affordable and sustainable solutions for scientific, governmental, economic and societal needs.
The indispensable basis for building the future ocean prediction capacity is a sustained ocean observing system. OceanPredict is dedicated to work with the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and associated groups to co-design and co-develop the ocean observing system of the future to deliver essential information needed for safety, wellbeing and prosperity.
Improved data assimilation methods, assimilation of new observations, and the improvement of model prediction systems for examples using ensemble forecasting methods, as well as advancing coupled prediction by working with NWP will provide advanced information on the ocean for various applications.
Increasing uptake of better ocean products by a growing number of users will be supported through improved dissemination and delivery mechanisms and ocean services, including enhanced quality control and verification tools. It will also offer users to take advantage of fit-for-purpose ocean products to increase long-term confidence in operational oceanography.
Many countries want to move forward in developing and setting up their own regional operational ocean forecasting systems. OceanPredict will support such efforts and facilitate the growth of new operational systems around the world by offering relevant expertise. Together with our partner groups, we will finalise the “Guide to operational oceanography” and facilitate its implementation, helping upcoming systems to establish a new prediction capability.
Improved visibility of ocean prediction efforts, successful collaboration with partners, and showcasing the benefits of improved ocean knowledge and products will better inform governments and society of emerging ocean issues and solutions for mitigation, thus increasing the impact of operational oceanography for sustainable development, blue economy, and society, and allows us to be better prepared for new challenges.
New partnerships are at the heart of OceanPredict. We envision an increasing drive towards new collaboration and joint activities with OP partners, including providing support for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development.
Our Mission
To drive the improvement of the science, capacity, efficacy, use, and impact of ocean prediction systems, contributing to a seamless ocean information value-chain, from observations to end users, for economic and societal benefit.
The overarching goal is to contribute to a seamless ocean information value-chain, from observations to end users, to achieve economic and societal benefits.
To reach this goal, OceanPredict will increase synergy with its partner groups, such as operational forecasting and research centres, international agencies, science groups, and intergovernmental organisations. OceanPredict will also engage with partners further afield through suitable collaborations and joint activities to establish a large network that will support the building of the operational oceanography value-chain.
Improved communication with partners and mutual understanding is at the core of this endeavour and will allow OceanPredict to collaborate more efficiently. OceanPredict will update its organisational structure to strengthen long-term functional relationships, platforms for exchange and joint activities. Only through a coordinated approach, with input from partner groups along the value-chain, will OceanPredict be able to show the impact of improved ocean prediction systems and the value it provides to end users.
We aim to develop the central part of the OO value-chain, and to coordinate its integration into the other value-chain components; the ocean observing system and the end-user services. We rely on close collaboration with our partners so that the use and value of ocean products and services for the user is maximised.
OceanPredict provides a large range of expertise, experience and international science networks as well as long -term standing science coordination which, together with the willingness to improve the current ocean prediction systems, makes it very well placed for its mission.
Collaborating with partners in setting up this seamless ocean information value-chain from observations to end users, will constitute a strong contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development.
OceanPredict is inclusive and will be open to support upcoming ocean scientists on their way of learning. OceanPredict is dedicated to engaging in outreach activities for young scientists for example through science symposiums, summer schools and other targeted training and networking opportunities, and supports developing operational systems through knowledge exchange.