UN Decade of Ocean Science

The vision of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is ‘the science we need for the ocean we want’. To achieve the Ocean Decade vision, a wide range of partners will implement endorsed Decade Actions in the form of programmes, projects or activities over the next ten years.
UN Decade of Ocean Science
Call for action No. 01/2020
Ocean information is essential to supporting evidence-based user decisions on the pathway for sustainable development. Greater knowledge, based on continuous ocean observations, analysis, prediction, as well as information product utility is needed to better adapt to, monitor, and understand ocean, weather, and environmental hazards as well as climate change and variability.
To facilitate the provision of operationally useful ocean information, a robust sustained ocean information value-chain needs to be established.
A major requirement for success in the Ocean Decade’s objectives will be to establish national and international frameworks of partnerships and coordination so that all components of the sustained ocean information value chain strengthen each other and contribute collectively to a well understood and predicted ocean environment from the deep ocean to the coastal seas. This would provide a comprehensive and cohesive delivery of ocean intelligence for informed decisions towards ocean stewardship and generating sustainable societal benefits.
OceanPredict has answered the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 call for action by responding to the challenges placed upon our oceans due to human pressure (growth and climate), and by defining new and sustainable future requirements for the ocean and the life it supports. OceanPredict’s goal is to propose a transformative Decade programme entitled “A Predictable Ocean with Impact”.
OceanPredict submitted a programme called ForeSea in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science.
The Observing System Evaluation Task Team (OS-Eval TT) has submitted a project plan for SynObs under the Decade in support of ForeSea, CoastPredict and other programmes.