New webstory from the A-TSCV ESA project

WS-4: TSCV observations assimilated in an ocean global configuration
Experiments have been run to assess the impact of assimilating TSCV data in the Mercator Océan International forecasting system. Preliminary results show a nice improvement for the surface and sub-surface currents.
The impact of assimilating TSCV data in the Mercator Océan International forecasting system (SAM) is assessed through Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs). Two experiments are run with the same settings and configuration, assimilating the same synthetic observation networks simulated from a high-resolution free run (Nature Run; NR). Only one of the experiments (ASM) assimilates synthetic TSCV observations. Its comparison to the Control experiment (CTL) allows us to highlight the impact of such data….. read more or download as pdf.