EuroSea/OceanPredict workshop Session 1

[Session 1] [Session 2] [Session 3] [Session 4]
Session 1: OSEs & OSSEs in support of observing system design
One of EuroSea’s aims is to provide guidance on improving the existing ocean observing system and/or to implement new ocean observing components. Session 1 of the EuroSea/OP workshop will cover efforts in EuroSea, OceanPredict and the wider obs/modelling community on Observing System Experiments (OSEs) and Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) and its potential of contributing to the design of the whole ocean observing network and to achieve synergies between the various contributing observing systems. In addition, this session will look to explore how OSEs (and OSSEs) can be adopted to provide robust, reliable and regular messages on the observing system performance applying best practice approaches for system set-up.
In this session, we welcome contributions in the following areas:
- Current efforts in observing system design using OSEs and OSSEs
- Observation impact studies
- Developing OSEs/OSSEs best practice
- Diagnostics for observing system impact monitoring (in forecasting systems)
- Observing system design methods/approaches
- EOV framework