Task Teams
OceanPredict (OP) contributes to the development of new science capabilities through active working groups, called the OP Task Teams (or TTs). OceanPredict currently operates six different task teams, which are all working in exiting science areas, complementing each other. They collaborate and reach out to external science and research communities, linking OceanPredict into an international ocean science landscape.
COSS-TT | Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas TT | Alexander Kurapov (NOAA) Joanna Staneva (Hereon) |
CP-TT | Coupled Prediction TT | Santha Akella (NOAA/EMC) Kristian Mogensen, (ECMWF) Chris Harris (Met Office) |
DA-TT | Data Assimilation TT | Ann Kristin Sperrevik (Met.no) Sergey Frolov (NOAA/PSL) |
IV-TT | Intercomparison and Validation TT | Fabrice Hernandez (MOi/IRD) Greg Smith (ECCC) |
MEAP-TT | Marine Ecosystem Analysis and Prediction TT | Stefano Ciavatta, PML Liuqian Yu (Hong Kong University) |
OS Eval-TT | Observing System Evaluation TT | Elisabeth Remy (Mercator Ocean International) Yosuke Fujii (MRI/JMA) |
These teams focus on relevant science topics (listed below) which are important to OceanPredict and the wider ocean science community. This OP effort is underpinned by interaction with international research programmes and expert science groups. The OceanPredict task teams are co-chaired by experts in the respective fields of science.