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Jim Cummings

Physical oceanographer at NOAA/NCEP/EMC - USA

Jim is an oceanographer at NOAA/NCEP/EMC.  He developed a new ocean data assimilation system for NCEP Real-Time Ocean Forecast System: RTOFS-DA.  The system went operational at NCEP in December, 2020.  The forecast model used is HYCOM and the variational assimilation system is executed once a day producing 8 day forecasts on a global 1/12 deg grid.  HYCOM is coupled to CICE and forced by GFS.  Prior to the analysis a fully automated ocean data quality control system is executed in real-time.

Jim’s interests are ocean data assimilation, ocean data quality control, and ocean data impacts.  He is a member of the Data Assimilation and Observing System Evaluation task teams.


