Hal Ritchie
Senior Scientist · Environment and Climate Change Canada - CANADA
Hal Ritchie is a Senior Scientist in Environment and Climate Change (ECCC) Canada, and an Adjunct at Dalhousie University. His main areas of interest are numerical weather prediction and coupled numerical modelling for environmental prediction. He initiated a major inter-departmental initiative known as the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS). Through CONCEPTS he led an ECCC team on R&D for coupled atmosphere-ocean-waves-ice data assimilation and forecast systems for the improvement of operational weather forecasts produced by the Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction (CCMEP) as guidance for forecasts issued by the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC). He has retired as an indeterminate employee with ECCC but is now on a part-time casual contract with ECCC to continue some activities, including with CONCEPTS and as an Adjunct at Dalhousie. Before his retirement he co-chaired the OceanPredict Coupled Prediction Task Team (CP-TT) in which he is still interested.