Elisabeth Remy – OS-Eval TT
Senior scientist at Mercator Ocean International - FRANCE
With a background in the use of ocean data assimilation systems in research and operational ocean forecasting, Elisabeth is working as a senior scientist in the Operational Oceanography department at Mercator Ocean. Her main focus is on observation impact assessment in operational monitoring and forecasting system. Since her PhD, she participated in GODAE and GODAE Ocean View science events as a place to share experience in the context of Operational Oceanography.
Elisabeth is co-leading the Observing System Evaluation Task Team (OS-Eval TT) together with Yosuke Fujii, MRI-JMA, Japan. They discuss and promote observation impact assessment studies with operational systems. The task team provides a forum for exchange on method and results of studies focusing on estimation of the benefit of assimilation of past and future satellite and in situ observation in ocean forecasting systems.