OPAS (OP Advisory and Sponsor’s Board)
The OceanPredict Advisory & Sponsors Board or OPAS consist of senior representatives from institutions who have a strong interest in supporting OceanPredict’s vision and mission, including but not limited to representatives from national operational centres, large national weather & climate service providers, intergovernmental groups, and observation & space agencies.
The OPAS provides advice to OceanPredict on its strategy, direction and long-term goals and assists in questions of OceanPredict visibility, resources, international collaboration, funding priorities and advocacy for the ocean observing system. It meets a few times a year to discuss progress and plans for OceanPredict, to review its strategic objectives and benefits, to guide quality improvements, to assess programme effectiveness and to ensure the availability of adequate financial resources for the OceanPredict Secretariat and other associated costs.
The following national and international organisations are represented in the OPAS.

The Government of Canada is represented in OceanPredict by CONCEPTS, the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental Prediction Systems
CMCC, Italy, the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, is an international research centre that collaborates with experienced scientists, economists, and technicians who work together to provide full analyses of climate impacts on socio-economic systems.
The Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) and the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) are two major Korean institutes operating ocean forecasting systems.
The Met Office is the UK’s National Met Service, with responsibility for weather (including ocean) forecasting and climate services
Mercator Ocean International is a leading Global Ocean Analysis and Forecasting company operating the EU Copernicus Marine Service