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3rd Annual Meeting of the OceanPredict Science Team (OPST-3)

7, 8 and 10 December 2020


Where: Online, GoTo meeting
When: 7, 8 and 10 December 2020
Duration: 3 days
Organisers: Eric Chassignet (FSU)
Fraser Davidson (DFO)
PN Vinayachandran (Indian Institute of Science)
Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (Met Office)
Announcement N/A



  • Members of the OceanPredict Science Team (OPST)
  • Members of the Patrons’ Group
  • Invited guests



Fraser Davidson, GOVST co-chair
Eric Chassignet, GOVST co-chair
PN Vinayachandran, GOVST co-chair
Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, GOV Programme Office




OPST-3 agenda

The full OPST-3 agenda is available from the document section of this website.


Topics Description Communication / presentations Length Day
1. Meeting objectives & overview – Meeting objectives
– Action/activity review, on what was done in the past 6 months
Oral presentations & discussions 5 min (day 1)
10 min (day 1)
Day 1
2. UN Decade of Ocean Science /OP programme plan review – Review of the OP / UN Decade programme plan Presentation from OP co-chairs & discussion 20 min (day 1)
30 min (day 3)
Day 1 & Day 3
3. Contributions to the UN Decade Programme Plan OP activities supporting the programmes / possible complementing UN Decade projects Presentations from OP members & discussions 55 min (day 1)

90 min (day 2)

Day 1 & Day 2
4. Future Where is OP going?

Question/ ideas /  /concerns

Discussion 50 min (day 3) Day 3
5. AOB Any other business Discussion 10  min (day 3) Day 3

OPST-3 presentations


Title Presenter Affiliation
Overview presentation of OceanPredict national systems (1-2 slides per system) (NMEFC , China; CONCEPTS, Canada; ECMWF,UK; FOAM, UK; INCOIS, India; MRI/JMA, Japan; KHOA/KIOST, South Korea; REMO, Brazil; TOPAZ, NOrway; RTOFS, USA; MOI/CMEMS, France; MFS, Italy; BlueLink, Australia) See presenters
The Ocean Decade Implementation & Overview of Call for Decade Actions Alison Clausen IOC
CoastPredict programme introduction  Villy Kourafalou University of Miami/ RSMAS
COSS-TT – CoastPredict plans Villy Kourafalou and Pierre De Mey-Frémaux University of Miami / RSMAS and LEGOS/CNRS
OS-Eval TT overview and SynObs project plans  Yosuke Fujii and Elisabeth Remy JMA-MRI and MOi
OceanPredict – UN Decade programme plans  Eric Chassignet, Fraser Davidson and PN Vinayachandran FSU, DFO and Indian Institute of Science



Attendance list (collated from all 3 meeting days)

Total participation – 33 attendees over 3 days

Co-chairs (3): Eric Chassignet, FSU, USA
Fraser Davidson, DFO, Canada
PN Vinayachandran
OPST members (21): Laurent Bertino, NERSC, Norway
Do-Seong Byun, KHOA, South Korea
Abhisek Chatterjee, INCOIS, India
Stefano Ciavatta, PML, UK
Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, CNRS/LEGOS, France
Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University, Canada
Yosuke Fujii, MRI/JMA, Japan
Chris Harris, Met Office, UK
Patrick Heimbach, MIT, USA
Fabrice Hernandez, Mercator Ocean, France
Pat Hogan, NRL, USA
Guimei Liu, NMEFC, China
Villy Kourafalou, University of Miami, USA
Matt Martin, Met Office, UK
Avichal Mehra, NOAA, USA
Kristian Mogensen, ECMWF, UK
Andrew Moore, UCSC, USA
Gregory Smith, ECCC, Canada
Clemente Tanajura, UFBA, Brazil
Elisabeth Remy, Mercator Ocean, France
Andreas Schiller, CSIRO, Australia
OPAS members (5): Eric Bayler, NOAA/NESDIS, USA
Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA/NESDIS, USA
Mikhail Entel, BoM, Australia
Pierre Bahurel, MIO
Hendrik Tolman, NOAA/NCEP, USA
Guests (3): Enrique Alvarez, Puertos del Estado
Laura Bastide, MOI
Alison Clausen, UNESCO/IOC
Albert Fischer, UNESCO/IOC/GOOS
