ForeSea & SynObs

The OceanPredict contribution to the UN Decade for Ocean Science
Find out more about ForeSea & SynObs
ForeSea’s vision is for strong international coordination and community building of an ocean prediction capacity for the future.
The overarching goal are to
- improve the science, capacity, efficacy, use, and impact of ocean prediction systems and
- build a seamless ocean information value chain, from observations to end users, for economic and societal benefit.
These transformative goals aim to make ocean prediction science more impactful and relevant.
Synergistic Observing Network for Ocean Prediction (SynObs)
SynObs is an endorsed UN Decade project which will seek to extract maximum benefit from combining various observation platform measurements, typically satellite and in situ observation data, or combinations of coastal and open ocean platforms for ocean/coastal predictions.
SynObs aims to identify the optimal combination of the different ocean observation platforms through observing system design and evaluation, and to develop assimilation methods which can enable drawing synergistic effects from these combinations. Targets of SynObs include open-ocean, such as global, tropical, mid-latitude, arctic and subarctic oceans, as well as coastal-sea, and biogeochemical observing systems.