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Joint CP-TT/ DA-TT Workshop – May 2025 – POSTPONED


The OceanPredict task teams on Coupled Predictions (CP-TT) and Data Assimilation (DA-TT) are  organizing a joint workshop at UCAR, Boulder, USA on “Advances in coupled modeling, data assimilation, and predictions”. 


The Workshop has been postponed by one year.


The Data Assimilation-Task Team (DA-TT) fosters the development and evaluation of data assimilation systems relevant to OceanPredict to support the coordination of the fundamental and challenging issues in the ocean forecasting process, of which data assimilation is a significant part.

The Coupled Prediction-Task Team (CP-TT) is engaged in the development and advancement of earth system coupled models to improve predictions across a range of time-scales. Particular focus is on the role of the ocean in coupled models, their initialization and predictions and how the ocean influences other components (e.g., atmosphere, land, sea ice, waves, bio-geo-chemistry, etc).

Date and time

The workshop has been postponed. 

  • In-person meeting (with hybrid option)
  • 19-22 May 2025
  • UCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA


The workshop has been postponed. 

The DA-TT and the CP-TT are organizing a Joint workshop at UCAR, Boulder, USA on Advances in coupled modeling, data assimilation, and predictions to

  • foster development and evaluation of coupled and ocean DA systems
  • develop and advance Earth system coupled models and prediction
  • develop and advance cross-cutting themes (DA, coupled modeling, initialization, AI/ML)

This meeting aims to bring together experts in the field of ocean, coupled data assimilation (DA) and coupled modeling and forecasting to discuss the latest progress and challenges in the field, and to share experiences in the development of ocean/coupled DA and predictions from the underlying algorithms to the details of implementation in operational forecasting systems.

A short “white” paper covering the issues and recommendations will be submitted for publication following the meeting.


The workshop has been postponed. 

The workshop covers themes in the areas of the OceanPredict Task Teams CP-TT (coupled prediction) and DA-TT (data assimilation) and also cross-cutting aspects. 

Please see details below:

  1. DA-TT (data assimilation)
  2. CP-TT (coupled predictions)
  3. Cross- cutting


  1. DA-TT:
  • Status of ocean-focused DA in operational forecasting, reanalysis systems, digital twins and climate prediction from global to regional and coastal systems.
  • Advances in DA methods (ensembles, algorithms, machine learning, downscaling, error covariance modeling, etc).
  • Observing systems: requirements, evaluation, design and associated DA developments.
  • Software infrastructure and efficient use of DA on HPCs for ocean/coupled DA.
  1. CP-TT:
  • Science of coupling for improving predictions at different time scales: weather- medium, sub-, seasonal scales. Complexity and challenges involved in medium range and SFS predictions.
  • Physical and dynamical consistency in coupling across earth system models and analyses.
  • Representation of coupling feedbacks in earth systems models with different levels of complexity of individual components (parameterized vs resolved processes). Clarification of the key choices for (ocean) model configurations and parameterizations.
  • Advances in coupling software infrastructure on current and future HPCs.
  1. Cross- cutting:
  • Use of DA to improve models and reduce model error. Initialization of Earth system models (algorithm advancements, status, applications for seasonal and climate projections). DA for estimation of model parameters. Appropriate covariances for coupled models at high resolutions (> 0.25-deg).
  • Role of coupling and/or DA in the representation of extreme events (hurricanes, cyclones, marine heat waves, etc) and their predictions.
  • Impact of ocean observations on coupled forecasts. Novel use of observations to improve coupled predictions, e.g., how to best use observations sensitive to the interface between the ocean and the atmosphere (for instance satellite radiances sensitive to ocean skin salinity/temperature)?
  • Changing role of DA in the face of AI models and digital twins and integration strategies of AI and DA/coupled modelling.
  • Coupled models and DA (e.g., ocean/atmosphere/sea-ice, physics/biogeochemistry, physics/acoustics) in the representation of carbon cycle. From earth system to regional scale models: marine carbon dioxide removal and related physical and biogeochemical processes: current status and improvements.
  • Development of coherent designs and collaborations for experiments and diagnostics.


The workshop has been postponed. 

The workshop will take place over 4 days (Mon- Thu). It will be hosted by UCAR. We expect about 100 participants.

The workshop will be a hybrid event, but in-person participation is highly encouraged as it will provide better networking and participation in all workshop activities.

Presentations will be recorded and made available afterwards.

Oral presentations

The workshop will consist of oral presentations selected through the abstract submission process.


Poster presentations will be shown in dedicated poster sessions.

Registration and abstract submission

The workshop has been postponed. Please do not register.

Please note that everyone who is planning to attend the Joint CP-TT/DA-TT workshop must register using the link below.

Abstract submitters should in addition use the Abstract submission form.



We charge a registration fee of $ 350 for in-person attendance which will cover costs for lunch, coffee/tea at breaks, appetizers/alcohol at the poster session, and AV services. Virtual attendance is free.

Please also use this link to find out more about scholarship/sponsorship, lodgings/accommodation and shuttle service to the venue.

We plan to have a workshop dinner which will be paid for by participants .




You can upload a maximum of 3 abstract. The abstract should be provided as a .doc or .docx file, be no longer than one page and should ideally not include a graphic. Please view template here.

Abstracts should be matched to one or more of the workshop themes. Please view themes here.


The workshop has been postponed. 

Members of the two task teams (CP-TT and DA-TT) are warmly invited to the meeting, but also

  • attendees of previous DA-TT or CP-TT events
  • Members of the wider OceanPredict community
  • researchers who work in the field of ocean, coupled data assimilation (DA) and coupled modeling and forecasting
  • Junior scientists and graduate students are very much encouraged to attend.

CP-TT and DA-TT members or their substitutes are expressly invited to attend.



Venue and other important information

The workshop has been postponed. Please don’t use the hotel reservation.


UCAR Center Green Campus

The workshop will be held at the UCAR Center Green Campus ( and hosted by the UCAR Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA).

Other information


Limited support for early career scientists from developing countries is available from WMO. Please use this email link to inquire by February 14th to see if you qualify.


Our event has rooms available (first come, first served) for booking at the Residence Inn for $169+tax per night. 3030 Center Green Drive – Boulder +1 303-449-5545 Hotel Reservation Page. Rooms are available in this block for the nights of May 18 – May 22 (check out on May 23). The deadline to book rooms is April 18.


The UCAR campus is about a 1 hour commute from the Denver airport. Shuttle service is available from Eight Black, and ride share services are available (UberLyft).

Important dates

The workshop has been postponed. Dates are no longer valid.

Date What happens?
August 2024 Save the date announcement
October 2024 Announcement of WS with flyer
December / January2024 Call for abstracts and registration
End Jan 2025 Abstract submission closed
End Feb 2025 Abstract selection and agenda completed
Mid Mar 2025 Registration deadline
19-22nd May 2025 Workshop

Organising and Science Committee

The workshop has been postponed. 

Committee members:


The workshop has been postponed. 

Planning space

Organising and planning platform

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