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EuroSea/OceanPredict workshop: Registration and abstract submission

Registration and Abstract submission

Here you can register for the EuroSea/OceanPredict workshop by completing this Registration form.

Abstract submission is now closed (exceptions apply).


EuroSea/OceanPredict workshop registration and abstract submission


Do you plan to attend the workshop in person?
Do you plan to submit an abstract to the workshop?
I plan to attend the following workshop days:
Dietary requirements (if applicable)
What is your connection with EuroSea and/or OceanPredict?
How would you describe your organisation background?

Abstract submission - now only possible under special circumstances

If you do not want to submit an abstract please ignore this part of the form and click submit, otherwise please continue.
When submitting an abstract, please indicate the theme(s) your abstract is contributing to. You can upload more than one abstract if required (max of 2). Please add title, presentation preference (oral / poster) and theme for all uploaded abstracts.
The four sessions of this workshop are:

  1. OSEs & OSSEs in support of observing system design
  2. Extreme marine events – observing, modelling, forecasting and user accessibility
  3. Coastal Ocean: Modelling, observing system design and product utility
  4. EuroSea & OceanPredict – support for the UN Ocean Decade
Do you agree that abstract 1 and presentation 1 can be published on the OP website?
Presentation type preference (abstract 1)
Maximum upload size: 5.24MB
Do you agree that abstract 1 and presentation 1 can be published on the OP website?
Presentation type preference (abstract 2)
Maximum upload size: 5.24MB


