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Joint CP-TT/ DA-TT Workshop – May 2025


The Data Assimilation-Task Team (DA-TT) fosters the development and evaluation of data assimilation systems relevant to OceanPredict to support the coordination of the fundamental and challenging issues in the ocean forecasting process, of which data assimilation is a significant part.

The Coupled Prediction-Task Team (CP-TT) is engaged in the development and advancement of earth system coupled models to improve predictions across a range of time-scales. Particular focus is on the role of the ocean in coupled models, their initialization and predictions and how the ocean influences other components (e.g., atmosphere, land, sea ice, waves, bio-geo-chemistry, etc).

This workshop aims to bring together experts in the field of ocean, coupled data assimilation (DA) and coupled modeling and forecasting to discuss the latest progress and challenges in the field, and to share experiences in the development of ocean/coupled DA and predictions from the underlying algorithms to the details of implementation in operational forecasting systems.

A short “white” paper covering the issues and recommendations will be submitted for publication following the meeting.

Date and time

  • In-person meeting
  • 19-22 May 2025
  • UCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA


Members of the two task teams (CP-TT and DA-TT) are warmly invited to the meeting, but also

  • attendees of previous DA-TT or CP-TT events
  • Members of the wider OceanPredict community
  • researchers who work in the field of ocean, coupled data assimilation (DA) and coupled modeling and forecasting

CP-TT and DA-TT members or their substitutes are expressly invited to attend.

Important dates

Date What happens?
August 2024 Save the date announcement
Early September 2024 Announcement of WS with flyer
November 2024 Call for abstracts and registration
End Jan 2025 Abstract submission closed
End Feb 2025 Abstract selection and agenda completed
Mid Mar 2025 Registration deadline
19-22nd May 2025 Meeting

Organisations and Science Committee

Committee members:

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